SOFT's 10 year anniversary?


Hey james!
Wasn't SOFT founded in 1998?
Any idea when it was initially launched? U should think about throwing a little 10 year anniversary party or something :) Or have you done so already? I'm slow, sorry! Freakin' BIG DADDY G keeps trying to shut me up.

I know somebody you can call that will loan out elephants and monkeys for an affordable price. I'll bring the balloons.

Though I had the "SOFT" site even longer than that but we officially registered in 1999.

Good idea to plan for a celebration though. Hmmm.. what can we do?
Massive booze party ? (None achololic for those softies below the age limit)

Then soft rock festival concert - day long event featuring all the softie bands... ticket sales and proceeds of course going to the upkeep of soft?
no, proceeds go to soft.

Oh c'mon, Soft will be alright.

We donate everything we all have - nah ain't gonna work.

On a serious note - we can donate proceeds towards purchasing musical instruments to an orphanage in Singapore. Softies can provide musical training to the recipients thereafter.

Sorry ah, but I can only teach people how NOT to play the guitar. But I will progress. :confused:

We start with Singapore for 2009. And every year, we expand to other countries within our region.

I think most of these ambitious plans, while totally awesome, will end up failing miserably due to the difficulties of logistics and commitment. How about a nice BBQ again? :D But this time, with BYO Booze! And open to SOFTies and SOFTies' friends alike!
WOW cool a BBQ,i sure hope theres BBQed hippopotamus-es and toasted used underwear! I suggest a themed party,like for example,an underwear theme?Everyone can come with underwears on their heads,and people with the same colours can form a group and get to know each other! We can also hire Steven Lim or Seargant Dollah from the sitcom Police and Thief as entertainment!
BBQ? Halal or not? Hahaha.. I'd say a fund raising gig.. Part of the proceeds go to the funding of soft, the rest to maybe a charity organization? Voting required for this (eg. Old folks home, orphanage, etc.) :mrgreen:
if got bbq then 14k people would turn up cause SOFT has 14k members.but most likely afew hundreds will turn up the most.