What's up with you lately?
Are the papers getting to you?
I, and as well as a lot of loyal SOFT supporters for YEARS are starting to think that you're getting way too ana| about the small stuff. It wasn't anything but some light hearted comments between a genuine discussion, but the way you talk down to your loyalists is incredulous. I think it's all getting to your head a little bit.
Why don't you just put down your little rules for your little forum and spell it out what we can or cannot say so we can be your obedient minions? It'd be much easier than having us react to your conditional whim and fancies. Seems like some things can pass, and some can't, but they are hardly ever consistent.
Has SOFT been reduced to a humourless cesspit of banal banter?
I started this post in hopes that we could put together something nice for SOFT and you, for all your hard work, in celebration for this little place we call home. But now that I see you're turning into a little bit of a self-righteous and condescending snob. Seriously, this wasn't even said in a negative tone. I was simply making fun of myself for being an albino and having white pub|c hair instead of black, it's called 'not taking yourself too seriously'. You might want to check up what that means.
But the topic wasn't steering in the wrong direction. I started it so we could band together to throw a party in SOFT's honour. Obviously, just liek any conversation and most topics here, we will sidetrack a little to talk about random stuff, but the heart of the topic was still there.
There is a fine line between authority and just being an uptight a$$. I owe no amount of niceness to you, not after you have been condescending. Not after I explained myself politely (as many saw too) to you AFTER you insulted me personally. I also privately messaged you about it so as to not drag things out here but obviously I am not worthy of a proper response from you.
I know there will be a lot of people who will react to this post angrily or whatever, for telling you off like this. But seriously, look at the whole thing. This wasn't even a trace of anti-harmony at all and there have been worse things said here, and not from either one of us too. But you had to wreck it with your sensitivity.
Ban my account, close this post, do whatever the hell you want. I'm so over SOFT. I cannot believe that between RoRk and me, we have more than a thousand posts. And for what? For you to nitpick at things that aren't even there.
I cannot believe I actually wanted to help you organize a 10 year celebration for this redundant piece of cyber space.
I tell you what 'isn't necessary', my IT technician man. I already have a daddy on home. I don't need one on a forum as well.
Oh hey, the men in white are knocking at your door. Oh wait, it's just a salesman.
Sheesh. Whatever. You wanted an explanation, this is it. I'm sorry if it doesn't carry your ego enough.