First of all my apology to you Soft (I know that this thread have been locked) but I really need to say something here....... bro and also a Committee Of The Soft Drum Exchange.
I'm really surprise to see you starting a thread like this one directed at "Soft" QUESTIONING as to "why must Soft banned kenny hogan he just saying his point of view......anyway this is my point of view".
As a Committee of the Soft Drum Exchange here, I'm sure you clearly understand it's objective and also that "The Dos & Don'ts" here within Soft synergises with that objective of Building A Closer Community Among Drummers Here. Anything that works in contrary to this is not accepted - simple as that as mentioned in earlier thread.
Just for your info - When Soft lock the initial Thread "3rd Drum Meetup & Kelvin Corey Clinic/Talk Show" ...Soft immediately ask me to re-open a New Thread on this - so that Kelvin Corey Clinic will not be affected as the Thread had really went too far. So to say also that if this so call Locked-Thread should have been LOCKED a long time ago - if it had not been a Thread for "The 3rd Meetup & Kelvin's Clinic" - - - Soft was already very patient and tolerant to that extend......just too bad it went too far....and I really appreciated that - so does many people here understand that.
Corey please know where you stand here and don't go overboard (There is a line drawn you cannot go above)....
I see "Soft" still bother to give you a short explaination as to why he had de-activated Hogan's account (That's not Banned for your info) which RIGHTFULLY he need not as he owes no one an explaination on whatever decision made by him. Reason is very simple - It's is not your perogative to question any action being taken here by Soft - to put it bluntly here because it's his Forum and he owns it. Soft had repeatedly says "Let's Move On And Don't Discuss This Issue Anymore" .... but still you continue doing so - Now where's the respect ?
If Soft so decide to CLOSE THE ENTIRE FORUM oneday - who can question him as to why he did it? ..because he can choose whatever he wants to do with it - It's His Forum....simple as that.
Likewise here - Soft owes no one an answer as to
Why he Delete a post or an entire Thread.
Why he choose to LOCKED a Thread.
Even to the extend of De-activating any accounts here or BANNED anyone here.
Let's get this clear Corey. If you run a school, you won't like someone come tell you how to run it, cause it's your school and you manage it in your own way....I'm sure you want people to respect you in this way, so respect others too.
The answer to your question can actually be summarise into just one short sentence - Because Soft feels like it as he deem fit and don't lay a challenge outrightly here on this kind of issues - -Show Your Respect and knows where you stand in this forum...Please,eeeeeee.
PS If there is no Dos & Dont here - what will happens. A thread alone like the "3rd Meetup & Corey's Clinic" can go these far even to the extend of after locking it people putting up new thread still discussing about the issue - then there will be no end to it....we are not here to add Petrol into a Fire, we are here to extinguish it before it burns everything down. Furthermore there are so many Threads here within Soft - if this is permmitted more Threads will turn out to be like this one....what happened than...We Moderators and Soft will have to drink 20 cups of black coffee each day just to keep ourself awake 24 hours a day.....It's so easy for anyone to come to Soft, write something, create a spark then just leave this place as they wish - but we have plenty of cleaning up to do after that - Common considerate.
Move on now.