SOFT reaching bandwidth limit (9apr05)


Staff member
fellow softies

we have another 300Mb before reaching the 20Gb bandwidth limit. and there are 10 days more before the next cycle kicks in. i do not know if the website will stall once we reach the 20Gb mark but if it does, please be patience and check back again.

putting it in layman/laywoman term. this bus is close to empty tank and still on Kallang PIE towards Tuas.
:? thot it was something like dat. how to save bus? fuel = money, is it? is that one way? btw, hope received cheque. :oops:
hi duskalways
no lah, dont read between my words tooooo much. i am not that 'chiem' ha..ha..ha... about last week's 'statement', the official release still not revealed yet so i will keep mum.

hi turbochicken
ya, each month we have 20Gb of transfer bandwidth. meaning that is the amount of files we can push through the website. 20Gb is quite alot, but due to the increase in forum activities, the 'petrol' just burns like nothing.

in a way, this is a good sign. "SOFT Is Happening" :lol:
I understood the techie explanation but not the layman version.... ha..haha...

Anyway, my last few bytes here till the next cycle. =)
haha, "happening" i do not know for sure, but you wana take some measures to guard against the no-bandwidth-all-hear-shite situation?

20Gb is russia man.

and still maxing out. can't believe it.
stillwater said:
Why not clean up some of the oldest forum postings?

Old forum postings does not affect bandwidth - only storage space. It is affected by high volume of download - probably the video.

And old forum postings should never be removed (maybe only those 5-10 years old, then they can be safely removed - like medical records). It is important database - for those who wants to search for a topic that was discussed before.
turbochicken said:
you wana take some measures to guard against the no-bandwidth-all-hear-shite situation?

20Gb is russia man..

what is "no-bandwidth-all-hear-shite situation" and "russia man"?
eh... i still worried leh! :smt017 means we will have trouble logging in in future? and we can't meet with everyone as easily anymore?!! :cry:
hi duskalways

SOFT will go on. Just that I will have to pay extra $$ each day for the additional bandwidth on top of what I am already paying for. :smt022

we have passed the 20Gb limit last night. so be gentle by not refreshing SOFT every second till 16th.
soft said:
SOFT will go on. Just that I will have to pay extra $$ each day for the additional bandwidth on top of what I am already paying for..

How much sia? After its above the 20 GB limit...

Every 1GB 10 bucks? Lol
Iyona87, forum don have to pay. it is the activities on the forum that is busting the bandwidth limit. like when i post this message, it will take up some kilobytes and when you read it, it will take up somemore kilobytes.

Newbie, each Gb is $2.50. so i estimate about 1.5Gb per day for 10 days.