SOFT, our 711 store!

Mr_X said:
but 711 sure brings back memories. Used to be in a extra-class where all the failures gather in and study quietly. Often tell the teacher in charge that me and my frens go toilet. then always cross the road to 711 to relax and eat.

LOL!!! yes!!! i did the same thing to..but never during E.Lim's class..hahaha
we must be one of the busiest music room with 50 members logged in, and many travelling all over the place! lol :smt051
a_b_normal123 said:
LOL!!! yes!!! i did the same thing to..but never during E.Lim's class..hahaha

of cos not lah. She so strict! and also it seems u all like her, doubt u all will dare or want to do that in her class. I was refering to SDL, that crap class i kerna.
what's SDL sia?? I don't remember anymore..hahaha..I only know that Mr Tana used to like I get to go anywhere I want furing detention...
a_b_normal123 said:
LOL!!! yes!!! i did the same thing to..but never during E.Lim's class..hahaha

eh.. u from zhonghua issit? E lim.. that name sounds dam familiar.. me small gal gal uses it a lot.. then another said she is strict.. which i have heard that she was from me fren.. ya..
oh anyways.. 7 11.. haha... great place to get drunk when u need to get home safely too.. shld be nearby ur hse somewhere.. yea.. haiz.. oh well.. but the only thing is that the drinks are too ex..

hmmm... then errr... usually when i go eat supper, ill pass by 7 11 and it will be like all quiet... kinda bad... oh well.. its one of the nicest place to be in... (only if they have sinagpore pools) wahahah... can check out the odds and bet on soccer... wahahah..
shhhhh im underage..
dhalif said:
7-11 should sell guitar picks man... recording song at 2am.. lose your pick.. can go buy another..


It used to serve as a midnight cigarette stopover, now it's just supper. Coupled with, the night ain't that boring :D