Soft music school?

I'll be greatly elated if ppl like shredcow can teach. Oh ya, I am not talking about asking ppl to do things for free...the same principle I have about bands, that they should not be performing for free.
I just read thru the thread.... i see...

instruments : electric guitar

background: Piano Grade 5, Theory Grade 5. Guitar abt 7 yrs.

skill level: 2
Can compose some things... not a shredder more of a wannabe weird player. Willing to teach. :)

OH YAH. This reminds me... JAMMMMMMEEEEE!!! James! I owe you some thing... :oops: paiseh...
oh ya, I heard so much accolade about this man call shredcow. yes I have nailed the plans for a music hub of sort. still not sure whether it will materialize but everything that needs to be done are done except the official approval and later raising the money to fit the building ready. If god willing, I hope to see it up before the next ROS in June. So I am just fishing around just in case the thing really come true.
I see... well... I guess I love to teach thats why? But its bad... I freq exceed the time... need to control. :wink:

How can I help in your endeavour?
my heartfelt thanks for the readiness to help. The centre would need a team of instructors to help individual learners as well as combos. I guess we already have a perfect mix of great musicians who are all friends and have the same passion to do just that. Some preliminary advise is how to wet up the different learning stages and I guess we can also arrange for personal coaching if there is a need for that. We'll try to facilitate each other. Time, money and place can be easily settled.

edit spelling mistake above. Not to wet up things but how to "set" up.
Hiya, Heartrock. From what I've read, your initiative sounds interesting. Keep us updated on the development of your project ya? Partly becos I kaypo, partly I wanna support your efforts.
instrument: guitar (wanna learn bass as well)

musical background: picked up guitar last year. 7 months of classical and acoustic guitar playing, now into electric guitars, power chords and punkrock, and some speedmetal. knows some scales but dunno improvisation and still practicing alternative picking.

skill level: 1 and a half. im still too inexperienced even though i know enough to play.

man it'll be great if a SOFT music school is set up. we can all meet up and learn from each other instead of being cooped up at home as a bedroom musician.
Scream_ed said:
Hiya, Heartrock. From what I've read, your initiative sounds interesting. Keep us updated on the development of your project ya? Partly becos I kaypo, partly I wanna support your efforts.

Hi Screamed, the MCYS has turned down my request for a HeartRock Centre after one year of haggling. I am turning to another ministry and at the same time looking at co-locating with another organization. We'll just have to persist on, and I don't believe we not get what we want.
How come????? There are so many dis-used buildings around.

Just in my Balestier vicinity, the moulmien CC was shut down like 2yrs back, still empty. The school compiund at the corner of jalan rajah which was used for civil defence, also was vacated early this year. Also empty now.

So many buildings sitting to rot, whereas just reassigning the usage, means a new lease of life.

You were saying once come to balestier, mr heartrock?? heehee...... maybe can work on some of my hints.... heehee..

Moulmein was my first choice. I am looking at other alternative including one presented that is far more attractive and challenging than the HeartRock Centre project. But still, I will pursue the HeartRock Centre as a matter of need.

Ya, soft should go try as well. At least one out of two can be lucky.