Soft music school?


New member
Hi, may I know what happened to the soft music school which was suggested? Will it be still going on, cos i'm really interested in it and if there really is such program I would definitely join...

Hope to hear from you soon... Thanks!! :D
SOFTies who want to learn can also post here what they want to learn. Give a short description about your musical life and your current skill level.

Musical Background:
Skill level: 1= Beginner, 2 = Intermediate, 3 = Experience

Any SOFTies want to contribute to the teaching? The idea is to establish a syllabus so that learners can follow. SOFTies who like to contribute to the teaching can email me at
Alright... I'll start first...

Instrument : electric guitar
Musical background : none... Been playing the guitar for around 1 year
Skill level : 1
Instrument :electric guitar
Musical background: er wads dis mean? er michael jackson, britney spears, nsync, haha, been playing for more den 2 years but...
Skill level: 0.5
Instrument: Electric guitar
Musical background: started classical 5 years ago. went to yamaha 2yrs. quit. forgot everything. playing electric slightly less than 2 years.
Skill level: 0.1 super noob
instrument: electric guitar too, wants to learn bass

musical background: play for almost 11 months and a half. 1 year very soon.

skill level: 1, still far from good but much better than half a year ago.
Actually... I think that putting the skill level down isn't a very good idea... Since everyone will think that they dont have the skills...
Instrument: Electric Guitar

Musical Background: 2years soon

Skill Level: 1. But I skipped a few basic stuffs like mastering chords. I learnt and memorized only a few. Intrested in learning skills and how to compose solos.
instrument: Electric guitar
background: had guitar for few months nothing before that
skill lvel: 1 ( cant play a whole song yet :()
hellmurderer, thanks for the feedback. SOFTies must try to be truthful to themselves, if they are good, they must declare. ha..ha.. else they will be learning stuff that they already know. then they will complain that the course is boring. haizz...

Cheez, ya, everyone loves the guitar! maybe you like to help me on the Theory 101? :rock:
instrument: electric guitar
background: got learn piano, electric guitar for 2 years
skill level: 1.5 so so
want to improve vocals and how to sing and play