Dear Soft's Drum Xchange Singapore Members:-
The Drum Xchange Committee is still fine-tunning it's organisation of Events for the Monthly-Meetup. It's a continuous learning & organising process for betterment here. (what works, what doesn't or what works best for everyone here). There is alot of work here.
Nevertheless the Monthly Drum Xchange within Soft did achieved it's objective and is sure heading in the right direction.....It's Inspiring isn't it and it does gel with - OUR SLOGAN "Inspired To Drum - Drumming To Inspire"...that's an undeniable fact.
I think it's OK to have 2 Kit (put them closer to each other)....Most of the time - only 1 Kit will be utilise The MAPEX (during shared-drumming-session) by a particular person/drummer (as what we have always been doing).....The other Kit (Alfie sit on it as he conduct the meetup as usual) ... Now If someone wants to asked or wanted to actually learn hands-on..on what the other drummer is doing during a Q & A Session that period (as he is not sure or dont really understand and wants to clearly understand it) - - Go ahead and sit down on the other kit (the Tama) - and try doing it, asking the other drummer if it is been done correctly(dont have to be shy) .... It's more pratical this way hands-on (since the 2 Kit is going to be place very near each other.
Alfie is correct - The Whole Soft's Drum Xchange Singapore thing - is about a DRUMMING CULTURE, so crucially needed if Drummers in Singapore were to be united as a Closely-Knitted-Family...without this - all else failed.......If a healthy shared-drumming-culture exist here within Drum Xchange Singapore - Then only Harmony exists...and all of us will see ourself accelerate learning (most of all The Building Of Personal-Relationship Among Drummers here) ... It's all about having the Right Attitude towards Drumming Towards fellow Drummers & Musicians. This is the CORE to Soft's Drum Xchange Singapore...besides another equally important factor which is - The Organising of our Monthly Meetup Programs on how the Event is going to be carried out.
So yes - we cordially invite More Experience Drummers to all our Exchange - Hopefully each month we have one (Drummers like eg Jerry Chua, Ahpek, Alvin, Brandon, Syed, Tony Zee, Tama Goh, Jimmy Lee, Loius, Loius Nephew - Dol) but this list is not exhaustive here - it goes on)......AND also we will invite Specialists people to come and do some talks (people like Nigel on Setting Up Drums, whatever) keep Drum Xchange Monthly Meeup with fresh and new ideas....The only problem here is that these people are very busy - so it's not easy to manage the timming (as there will be last minute cancellation sometimes)..this is understandable.....
AhPek is in line with this when he says he will try to get Mohamed Noor(Tribal Tide), Fairoz(Jive Talking) some of the wicked aura guys like Uan Abg, Rizal or the Lasalle drummers, Matt and frens. down to our Xchange - BUT Ahpek please liase with (Bro Alfie/Plainsman on this - in Scheduling Timming & Date)...thank you.
Ahpek: - As regards to having Our Soft's Drum Xchange Singapore Monthly Meetup at National Youth Centre, in the middle of Orchard Road - I would say not so appropriate for the Usual Monthly Meetup (which will still be held at Ulu Pandan CC Our Drum-Kit is also Safer There) - specifically for Soft's Drum Xchange Members).........The Objective of this is - A Sharing Experience among Soft's Drummers INTERNALLY only not to EXTERNAL layman or public.
BUT having said that - Your Idea was REALLY GOOD - as I have also though of that when we spoke during last Meetup 29th Sept (That's the reason why we are building Soft's Drum Xchange Identity currently - T-Shirts, Logo, Banners) it is to showcase ourself - and that is to BRING Soft's DRUM XCHANGE....OUT from our IN (Ulu Pandan Club House & Soft Forum) ... to gain Wider-Publicity and Spead and Share Drumming As A Passion - to the Public At Large....
But - the above 2 (INSIDE & OUTSIDE of our Comfort Zone) are completely 2 Seperate Issues and Internal and the other External......
Brothers/Sisters Of Soft's Drum Xchange - - - - - We're going out for sure to showcase Soft's Drum Xchange Singapore, but not till our Identity is order your T-Shirts now and be a part of Soft's Drum Xchange Singapore - - - - We're going all out to share our PASSION isn't it.
AT National Youth Centre, in the middle of Orchard Road (Open-Air-Stage) is where we will be doing our DRUM-BATTLE A2 (A2 means Attract Attention) Hehehehehe !
and thank you Ahpek for the suggestion - I myself and the Committee of Soft's Drum Xchange Singapore will surely be looking at this and get this done when the time is right - We wanna ROCK.kkkkkkkkkkkkk Orchard Road.
Cheers !....