SoFire Band!!!


New member
We Just want to Rawksss!!!
4 different character and attitude but o­ne heart in musical thoughts and ideas. Came from secular music background, skils and technique, these guys grow mature musically. Used to play some ‘Ol Skooll Rock and Heavy Metal music,they know how to rock. Now, it is God Will that put them together into the o­ne particular band called SoFire. Their music just a simple rock but uniquely blend with some pop and jazz style and it’s their nature to play hard and loud music. Writing their own song from bible refferences and arrange it by them self make their music unusual. They are aiming the youth for priority and young adults for larger number. Basically, they don’t genrerize or stylize their music…just as they said that, “Music it’s about to bless people so they can enjoy it,not to be rated…we just wanna rock!!!that’s all…our heart is spread The Words Of God,Share His Love and bless people through our music especially young people!”. Some of them already involved in the Christian Contemporary Music recording project in Indonesia.SoFire already played to large appreciative audience locally and even had their own concert, collabarated with overseas musician and performer from differents style and genre. SoFire is 4 ordinary guys that “On Fire” for shouting out loud their faith through Hard, Drivin’,Pumpin’ Adrenaline Music and not ashamed of it! If we Too Loud,Then You Are Not "On Fire",Dude!!!
PM or email me or even send me sms to get the soft copy of our Press/Bio Kit,Demo's samples and our shows and concerts clips!
please introduce your self bfore send any messages,Thx a Lot!!!
hi mykee99

welcome to SOFT!

must be too excited, that's why double post. anyway, i have cleared the duplication.
Oops...Sorry,Must b comp. error...Thx

Oops,soory,didn't notice that =) i thought it's only one in this topic...thx for helping =)
take care

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