Sneaky Epiphone


New member
Anybody see what's wrong with these pictures?



nice ol skool floral pillow case!


oh that neck ah.. ok. that one is Asian Yerrow variety Mahorguni. Looks and sounds like Maple!
ewahh rare sia!

looks suspiciously like maple bt since its epiphone it must be what they say and its just mahogany stained pale yellow!

must be one of those rare collectable guitars. 8)
Not surprising...some guy had an LP Custom and when he was doing something with the body...he found PLYWOOD!
i heard, i saw, i read, i heard, but but but, they are not as dodgy what i have read, i saw, i heard. Pardon, i have never seen one face to face up right without the influence of surrounding, situation and people :cry:
to me it's nothing too deceiving- despite a mahogany claim, Epiphones are not true to their specs. some of the LPs now, despite citing a maple top, display an alder grain... :roll:
gsonique said:
the fake do have serial no... fren !!
some come with factory warranty too !!!

then call up epiphone lah..complain..or email gibson guitars n threaten to sue them..$800 aint small money man..

gsonique said:
no no no ...its aldermaple a new hybreed ... :lol:

lol..cut one alder tree n one maple tree in halves n join them together lol..
bin4christ said:
gsonique said:
the fake do have serial no... fren !!
some come with factory warranty too !!!

then call up epiphone lah..complain..or email gibson guitars n threaten to sue them..$800 aint small money man..

gsonique said:
no no no ...its aldermaple a new hybreed ... :lol:

lol..cut one alder tree n one maple tree in halves n join them together lol..

the ppl who fake them are not gibson or epi so u wanna sue who? u have any idea what it takes to sue ppl?
Well it takes money to sue man unless ur brother's a lawyer. The more money u have the better lawyer u get. the higher ur chance of winning i guess.
and if u lose..u will have to pay for the legal proceedings or wadeva its called and all that..