smiley not cute enough.


New member
smiley not smiley enough?

k i'm just bored so y not start this thread.
for some reason i find the "smile" smiley not smily's the reason y i use :D instead of :) - eww..u's looks like a bold old man trying to smile :):) nw tt's 2 old man smiling at u.
or maybe it's my eyes..izit?
the msn smiley is cuter.
change this smiley!

wow.. i sound so gay.. eww
k i'm done.
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MY GOD, you want soft to use such a big smiler ah?

haha, oh well... you ARE really bored arent you.. haha. then again so am i.
which explains why im here... haha
GST go up, complain.
Fuel prices go up, complain.
Movie prices go up, complain.
Blink 182 disband, complain.
Smiley not cute, complain.

Everyone is cutel in their own way. Some like *insert cute person's name here* are just cuter.
Smiley & Icons are cute and nice, besides those wicked ones around (too many I would say)…

Recent Trend in many Huge Forums had forbid the use of Smiley among all it’s members nowadays, as it really take up alot of space (I guess when everyone start using it)

Luckily here at Soft, all the members are permitted to still use Smiley in their post and they would probably only one or two that’s all…that’s great !

Oh.hhh and yes – you have a nice big smile …. Nice.eeeee
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