Slow on Soft


Active member
Hi James,

Just thought i'd do some feedback.
I've been experiencing soft on a slowdown recently.
The pages take a long time to load and show up. Approximate time is from 10-20 secs.
I thought i was only experiencing it from home but realized that this is happening from work and on my iPhone as well.

Anyone facing these issues as well?


Hope to hear from fellow SOFTies too. I am using Starhub and the loading speed has been somewhat the same.
I use Starhub cable at home and the loading speed is acceptable. However, once or twice there were long delays and you can see that the resources being loaded are not from I suspect it is certain ad servers (or analytics scripts, or whatever else may be off-site) that cause the occasional delay.

I also browse from Singtel 3G on my phone and surprisingly it is as fast or even faster.
I was at Changi T3 4am, 3G on my phone was very fast. At SGH 10am, 3G slow until cannot load the page properly. Haiz...

carboxymoron, you are right about the off-site stuff. Hope that will improve.
Experiencing it too, just got a "Connection Timed Out" message while I was loading this thread.

Edit: quick reply used to be instantaneous for me now it also takes quite awhile. :)
there are certain times of the day when i cannot access soft through the nus web service though it works fine for other web pages. when that happens, all i need to do is to use a proxy to get here. could it be a related problem?