SLooow internet speeds


New member
Hey guys

Anyone Starhub users living in Hougang/Kovan area and are experiencing constant slow speeds? It always happens around 9pm onwards for me and will last for as long as 4 or 5 hours or more. When this happens, it takes ages to load a simple webpage and I can't do anything which requires the internet. I called Starhub to check and they said nothing is wrong, as usual. Just wondering if any other Starhub or even Singtel users face problems like these? Even those living in other parts of Singapore.
Mine is pretty fast, although my phone was out for a few days. Dad blamed me again, as usual when Singtel screwed up.

Mine's under the MIO service plan.
Uhmm..this is normal. StarHub is shared, meaning an area has a limited allocation of bandwidth so when there are more users each of them will suffer. This is further hindered by the fact that outbound bandwidth to several countries are greatly reduced. As inbound bandwidth also matters, it doesn't help that MaxOnline's upload speed is only a fraction of the download.

During peak periods, your rates will really crawl. When this peak applies is dependent on your area and which country the server you're browsing the website of resides in. From personal experience, early hours of the morning til late afternoon is the sweet spot. In the evening all the way until after midnight, it's turtle. Sorry, I meant sloth.

However, MaxOnline shines during the best circumstances. As advertised, StarHub has a fat pipe. This fat pipe effectively allows multiple connections, contrary to Singnet's mechanism. A practical scenario is downloading multiple files. StarHub will provide you with consistent rates across ten simaltaneous downloads, but Singtel will decrease the speed file by file. Using a download accelerator, I have been able to reach speeds of up to 2MB/s, ie 2000KB/s even in the evening. That's more than what is advertised for MaxOnline Premium which stands at 12000Mbps or roughly 1500MBps (note: bytes and bits).

I do have to agree with you that for the past few weeks things have started to go down. Aside from more neighbours migrating to StarHub, I have no other explanation for the both of us. I stay at Senkang.
Hmm, yes, it didn't use to be this slow. Things just got more turtle, sloth or whatever animal you wanna call it. I just called Starhub again, and they said they will do a check in my area and get back to me.

Anyway, thanks gutturalpiss for the insight. Let's just hope the problem will be fixed soon, whatever it maybe :)

Darrell, for a moment, I was contemplating if I should switch to Singtel or not haha.
ohhh so u're the guy nailhood was talking to me abt. hahah.

u guys didnt bring ur guitars? u'll booked the big room right? the small room will nvr ever be able to fit more than 4 ppl.
Haha ya, we play in the same band. Yup we got the big room, but the owner was nice and gave us a good price cos he's Kevin's childhood friend. Okok off topic..haha

Let's jam one day :D
Haha'll be a supergroup yeah :D

We dint bring our equipment....really annoying cos the guitars provided kept going out of tune.....

Amps were pretty nice (just that the Mesa Lone Star's drive wasnt exactly my thing) but the orange sounded awesome.
LOL G3...

u guys will be darn happy if i had a seventheaven. at least kevin had the boosty and citrus right?

ized: i thought the lonestar wasnt in that room? there was only the dual recti and rockerverb
Ya, but he didn't use the boosty and citrus in the jam LoL. He didn't bring any of his stuff. We didn't plan on jamming at all. It was all so last minute. Go get your seventhheaven! Haha..
LOL G3...

u guys will be darn happy if i had a seventheaven. at least kevin had the boosty and citrus right?

ized: i thought the lonestar wasnt in that room? there was only the dual recti and rockerverb

Haha i think they shifted it there or sth cos ppl were doing recording downstairs. I was using the Lone Star and the amp's built in distortion CMI in my opinion. The Orange on the other hand sounded really awesome both for leads and rhythm, Kevin was using it.

Kevin dint use them to use when got no adapter and daisy chain?
yeah man its amazing lah. i'm starting to dislike mesa's now. the lonestar is more vintage inclined than the dual recti. i still prefer it to the dual recti but loses out to the orange.

when i go there i play with the orange most of the time since i'm the only guitarist.