Skinny Jeans-new Trend?????


New member
GOSH! I just went to city hall yesterday and I saw ALOT of people wearing skinny jeans. I can't even count the number of people wearing them because its just simply ALOT. I am not saying its bad but for myself, I am trying to cut down wearing skinny jeans. I hate to follow fashion/trend nowadays. That is not original... So yeah, display your thought here...
ah i've got one pair of black skinny jeans. and that also my sis bought for me. to show my appreciation, i wear it.
but really i much prefer normal jeans, only in black.
i got this really cool grunge (torn and tattered) jeans though. hate to wear it in cold weather. haha
i wear those from topman, not those super super tight ones u can get for 20 bucks at penin. ah penin.. ah 2 colored skinnies.. ah screw them
Yeah,it's the current trend.
Don't care about your balls la, as long as you look like the rest..will balls matter? I don't think so. So yeah, just kill your balls..the others are doing the same too.
Haha, wear those skinnies to fit in the crowd man. Pack those ding-dongs in tightly to squeeze the life out of them. Balls are overrated.
haha, do they have balls i wonder..
oh yeah, levis still rocks! that is buy from msia 80 rm
yeah topman sells for 70+ but i dont think thier skinny, just nice and neat for me ,mayb i'm skinny thats why =\
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people wear whatever they want.why bother?it does not in any way affect anyone's life.
this is just a study of trends where influences come from all over.includes music.bands with skinnies."balls".a metaphor.course guys have balls also known as the scrotum.i think people who judge others are just ego-istic.
Skinny jeans were popular quite a long time ago already. The heavy metal dudes and hippies were already wearing skinny jeans or tight pants way before the emo kids. :cool:
Lol it quite normal to see many ppl wearing skinny jeans, some shop even sell with different colour for only 10 bucks! Damm!
It was actually a womens pants to make them walk comfortably

dont know why guys love getting their balls suffocated or squeezed