Six year old drummer busking.


New member
anyone saw "Ethan Ong"? the six years old drummer who was busking along the streets of town. I was walking by when i saw his performance the other day. comments anyone?
YES! IM HIS NO.1 FAN! RIGHT, CANDIE!? YOU SHOULD KNOW! LOL. he's like uber cute and talented.

Just observe the expression on his face each time he starts drumming. It's like *stares at you, with a small innocent smile*

Okay I sound like a paedophile.... I'M NOT.
wetsoil said:
anyone saw "Ethan Ong"? the six years old drummer who was busking along the streets of town. I was walking by when i saw his performance the other day. comments anyone?

You saw him in front of Paragon right? I think he's there every sunday with his dad.
he's cool...

got lots of potential... maybe if he works harder he'll become the world's best drummer...

hope to see him in this forums 6 years from now...
Just to back Pepper up, its true, she IS his no. 1 fan. But contrary to her post, she's a paedophile. LOL!!!! She's 60% straight, 39% inclined to babies and 1% inclined to manakins. (However you spell it) LMAO. Ethan, look out! :lol: *runs*
you meant 'mannequins' right?

NOOO. I'm 100% straight I swear. You crooked thing. Anyway, Ethan's really fabulous and I think his dad's pretty nice a person too. I saw them in action quite a couple of times already and even got to talk to them once. Nice people. Great kid! =)
Trust me people I've been her best friend for almost 4 years, I KNOW. =DDD Okay off topic. =x ETHAN HAS BEEN DRUMMING SINCE 2?!?! OMG imagine a tiny toddler. SO CUTEEEEE! <3
"playing drums since 2" probably means hitting the pots and pans in the kitchen hahaha

ahhhh good times as a kid. could get away with nearly anything.
if Ethan can do it, so can the other 2year olds! We should be so proud of Ethan. LOL. Okay whatever.

I'm NOT a paedophile, candie. Lol. Stop it! The topic's about ethan anyway. Lol. I'd like to check him out again when he's older. OKAY SKIP THAT.
I know :cry: So sad. Wish I had his talent! He's been only playing for 4 years! Hitting pots and pans in kitchens! LOL. But still he's so adorable. And Pepper's still a paedophile. *runs before she murders me 10x over*
Nothing's impossible!

And I was just kidding! I told you to skip that! Let's go back to his drumming. And leave this topic out. =x

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