Singapore's music


New member
Hi all, I don't know why but i juz feel like writing this. I juz heard some songs from radio blod here in Soft, I think our musician standard here are really good! I suppose they are all originals? I feel its a pity if they were too be buried underground unheard!
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Yup, those on the SOFT Radio are all originals. Slowly but surely, these musicians will be 'rich and famous'!!!
I'm not from Singapore, but I enjoy flicking through the 'singapore bands' and similar threads.

I managed to help a Singapore band get some stuff played in the clubs over here in the UK (there is a rock club called 'The Cathouse', where I know the DJ. He played one of the Singapore band's songs one night, and it went down really well! A few folk asked to hear it again and enquired who it was by, so that is certainly a good thing ;)).

I try to do my bit to help promote the stuff here :))

I'n just curious - is there a gigging scene over in Singapore? I'm interested in this. With so many people in such a small space, it is the ideal environment to promote acts. Does anyone have any info on the scene?

What about 'battle of the bands' competitions and the such? Do they take place?

What about promoters/event managers? Is there much of that in Singapore for pop/rock music?

(As a side, note, i'm probably moving to Singapore soon, so anyone who is looking for piano or guitar lessons, then give me a shout. Sorry - excuse the plug there guys ;))
Now with Internet and Youtube, nothing can stop them from showcasing their talents.
True but on youtube, you must be as impressive as funtwo to have people viewing you. or else, there will only be like less than 100 or more or less people viewing it...