Singapore's Education System = FAIL.. or not?

Also, differentiating pure and applied mathematics doesn't answer bobby's question at all- Singaporean mathematicians aren't necessarily predisposed to pure or applied mathematics, and even if they were it doesn't change the fact that they aren't making particularly big waves in either field. That said, how many prominent Singaporean sociologists, physicists, psychologists and medical researchers can you think of?

I think its quite a generalization to say that they aren't making particularly big waves in either field. Although i cant prove you at the moment, i most certainly dont think its a 'fact'.

there are probably Singapore mathematicians who in some ways made an impact on the world.Its just that we might not heard of it, but ask a mathematics major, he'll probably give you a whole list of them.

I may not be able to tell you abut sociologist, physicists or medical researchers. But for obvious reasons, i can name you local psychologists who had their research published in renowned international journals, who took part in many major humanitarian effort around the world. This is despite the fact that psychology is comparatively less developed in Singapore than the other sciences.
Oh? Nothing was leaked. All the capabilities I mentioned are public domain and have been mentioned by the SAF themselves in press releases.

Yup, I never told anything beyond what was shown to the public at various open houses. If you keep track of newspaper articles on the SAF, you'd probably know what I'm talking about.
I'm a softie PSLE graduate aggregragragrateaate of 186.

to all military discussionists, I have SAFed (serve and F-offed) I don't know and I don't care whats going on. I only know should there ever be a war time, we unite and we do what we were trained for. protect our women,children and for softies, our music instruments/gear. no one is dispensable.
I've seen and met great/crappy Air/Land/Sea/Civil personnel. there's bad apples, and there're really good ones. you guys are like , debating over plates of rojiak (indian/chinese/malay). it's good to see defensive people posting for the pride of where they were trained. and people who complained about the flaws in other "departments" , I have my own fairshare of experience but I have better things to do than to complain or criticize.
It's ridiculous and outright fallacious to claim that mathematics is "not logical" because its' answers are "definite and unchangeable". The foundation of a system of logic is that it must be consistent, valid and sound- and "definite and unchangeable" answers are the hallmarks of consistency! I would dare to go so far as to say that as there is nothing more consistent than the logical abstractions of mathematics, there is nothing more logical than mathematics.

Sorry, but I can't resist. :D I had always found that there's a problem with logic itself(that will lead to another argument). While mathematics might seem to be the most logical(or at least in the Universe we think we're living in), I'd like to actually ask what do you think logic actually is? Take for instance, why is it logical that 3 x 3 will always give you a 9? Why is 3 x 3 = 9 a form of logic? The answer to this mathematical equation isn't exactly a totally objective answer. What factors actually contribute to the answer 9? Where are they? We don't see it at all and we can't interact with the factors leading to the totally definite answer of 9. It's just like someone shouted down it's 6 and the brainwashed population at the bottom accepted it all without really asking why.

But that's my opinion and it's open to debate. These answers tend to get really philosophical and they aren't everyone's cup of tea.

Meanwhile, back to the topic.
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Well then, I don't see any validity in arguing about something that has nothing to do with the original post whatsoever in the first place. And this is coming from the thread-starter, who is me.

Let me make this perfectly clear to all the little army boys here who have sidetracked from the main topic - whose minds are probably atrophying from their immense sense of deluded patriotism - that if I wanted to start a thread about the nuances of army life, the topic would have been titled "Singapore's Military Force - How I don't give a ***** and a Horse's Broken Shoe'. Since the topic isn't titled as such, I suggest you please stick to the point.

I'd have done so if Deathcubek did not start going on with all guns blazing when I agreed with van halen about army actually making people more stupid. Anyways since he started it here you could sort of say we were having a mini argument that had nothing to do with anything on this thread.

Of course you dont see the validity of my argument cos you just conveniently took it within context of the title of the thread. I'd hope that it ends here, of course...

Btw, arent you supposed to not post here anymore? Or is that already the past? I mean of course I hope you'd be allowed to continue now that your identity has been exposed...
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Don't be jealous Levan we all know little albino boys like you can't serve our wonderful nation and didn't get a chance to play soldier.
If you're not satisfied this country and the way it's being run or it's education system. I'm sure you're more than welcomed to leave. I certainly don't think you will be missed either.

The moon would be a great place for you. Both also white.

A new account simply to respond to this account? Flattered! And frankly also a little troubled that you'd take so much effort to refute an opinion, which in the end, is just an opinion.

Anyway, I am not interested in engaging you on this sidetrack, lest anyone think I am starting a flame war, which I am not.

Most importantly, I didn't actually express a view on the education system throughout this entire thread. I actually think, for all its weaknesses and the gripes that people have with it, the education system has served us all really well. Two of our universities are very high-ranked in the world, NUS and NTU. Our Polytechnics are big and (usually) efficient and offer a good variety of courses. Our 'ivy league' secondary schools and junior colleges produce better results than kids in the UK for the O and A Levels! To me, that's damn impressive!

That IS something to be proud of, considering how small our country is. I know a lot of people go on about how they don't 'teach' creative thinking in Singapore, but the fact of the matter is, you can't really TEACH people how to think creatively. You're either creative, or you get competent in it through one's natural progression in life and exposure to modern media.

Perhaps the system COULD be a little more flexible at times, but we are in a situation where we HAVE to produce competent and ready-for-work individuals to sustain our manpower - which is the main 'natural resource' of our country, and for this, the system does serve our immediate needs. If this means letting a prodigy or two slip through our hands, so be it. I agree with blueprintstudios on this; prodigies only matter if they contribute to the greater good of society. The economy of a country is based on more than one individual; it's a collective effort.

And blueprintstudios, as annoying as some of my posts are with their curtness, you cannot deny that I have started a good number of engaging and music-related threads that have sustained themselves for long periods of time and have been a committed contributor to the forums. Let's be honest: you can sometimes be just as curt and blunt in your postings too, as shown in this thread itself with your opinion on prodigies. But that doesn't mean you're not a nice guy, because people aren't so one-dimensional. So give and take a bit lah. :)
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I'd have done so if Deathcubek did not start going on with all guns blazing when I agreed with van halen about army actually making people more stupid. Anyways since he started it here you could sort of say we were having a mini argument that had nothing to do with anything on this thread.

Of course you dont see the validity of my argument cos you just conveniently took it within context of the title of the thread. I'd hope that it ends here, of course...

Btw, arent you supposed to not post here anymore? Or is that already the past? I mean of course I hope you'd be allowed to continue now that your identity has been exposed...

True enough, and for that I apologize to you; I did not see the entire incident and assumed wrongly and came to a premature conclusion. My bad. :)
LOL he started running at 8 months, that's hilarious.
i'm not informed enough to go on an all-out rant on the singaporean education system but the system is like a factory, and everyone comes out pretty much the same. singaporeans aren't very creative people. i probably can't solve it, but that's why i'm not going to be a politician.

as for the story, your title is the one which is fail because i don't see the father mentioning anywhere that the singapore education system sucks. he just said they were inflexible and didn't accommodate to his son's needs.

i read the blog though, he obviously dislikes singapore(and singaporeans), it's pretty funny. pretty annoying guy as well.
bobby : i'm sorry, I don't recall any obligation to give or take anything from your face.
my posts are just for reading, disagreeing, agreeing or ignoring. no obligations.
your contributive threads has not paid any of my bills or made my life easier.
under my profile's "about me" if you haven't seen, it states "Just cos I show support for localmusic doesn't mean I'm a nice guy.More than avg.Less than perfect." and I definitely was talking to myself in my own surprise cos I didn't know generous James unban ex-softies, so kindly excuse myself. =) I'm sorry for the way you feel about my blunt words, so please do not form any sort of conversation with me as the age old question goes "What do producers and chimpanzees have in common? it's scientific research that chimpanzees can communicate with humans."

as I was saying again the topic is about Mr Valentine Cawley raising awareness on our "inflexible education system" . your thread's question is whether this inflexibility is fail or not, as it stands your personal opinion of it being 50% fail and 50% unsure, you dragged the bush out to beat around it but (I may have missed cos it's too many words I'm saving my eyesight power for mixing work) you mentioned nothing of answering your own question.

beat the bush