Don't be jealous Levan we all know little albino boys like you can't serve our wonderful nation and didn't get a chance to play soldier.
If you're not satisfied this country and the way it's being run or it's education system. I'm sure you're more than welcomed to leave. I certainly don't think you will be missed either.
The moon would be a great place for you. Both also white.
A new account simply to respond to this account? Flattered! And frankly also a little troubled that you'd take so much effort to refute an opinion, which in the end, is just an opinion.
Anyway, I am not interested in engaging you on this sidetrack, lest anyone think I am starting a flame war, which I am not.
Most importantly, I didn't actually express a view on the education system throughout this entire thread. I actually think, for all its weaknesses and the gripes that people have with it, the education system has served us all really well. Two of our universities are very high-ranked in the world, NUS and NTU. Our Polytechnics are big and (usually) efficient and offer a good variety of courses. Our 'ivy league' secondary schools and junior colleges produce better results than kids in the UK for the O and A Levels! To me, that's damn impressive!
That IS something to be proud of, considering how small our country is. I know a lot of people go on about how they don't 'teach' creative thinking in Singapore, but the fact of the matter is, you can't really TEACH people how to think creatively. You're either creative, or you get competent in it through one's natural progression in life and exposure to modern media.
Perhaps the system COULD be a little more flexible at times, but we are in a situation where we HAVE to produce competent and ready-for-work individuals to sustain our manpower - which is the main 'natural resource' of our country, and for this, the system does serve our immediate needs.
If this means letting a prodigy or two slip through our hands, so be it. I agree with blueprintstudios on this; prodigies only matter if they contribute to the greater good of society. The economy of a country is based on more than one individual; it's a collective effort.
And blueprintstudios, as annoying as some of my posts are with their curtness, you cannot deny that I have started a good number of engaging and music-related threads that have sustained themselves for long periods of time and have been a committed contributor to the forums. Let's be honest: you can sometimes be just as curt and blunt in your postings too, as shown in this thread itself with your opinion on prodigies. But that doesn't mean you're not a nice guy, because people aren't so one-dimensional. So give and take a bit lah.