singapore wins asian idol??!!


Boo to you ..... Hady won because he was honest and not a show-off like Jac.

Hady won because he was a charm throughout the show and kept his focus to woo the audience not just to win ....thats what people saw.
It was so obvious on the duet with Jac, wasn't she iritating trying to drown Hady by her costant 'shouts' ? People saw that too and Hady kept his 'charm' and nailed the last bid of the song.

Jac was trying too hard and forgot to smile.

Most of you fellas got music and sports mixed up, so were the dumb ass judges on last night's show.... music is NOT about flexing your muscles and pushing it hard.

Remember world idol where KElly didn't win know why?
honestly, i didn't watch the show as full but only got a catch of jacklyn and mike's amd abhejeet last performance before they close the show.. ken lim said that jac's performance was pretty much a routine performance to her and have the "aiyah, sian ah sing the same song again" attitude at the face...

din watch hady's performance and all but it was just an alright performance from him..

What won the asian hearts to hady would i guess be ken lim... He's a singaporean and ALMOST all judges suck up to their country. (biased views and comments).

i guess ken judged EVERYONE equally to their performance and stage presense when asked who will win the asian idol, he calmly said asia will win and didn't even say any names that whoever will win the asian idol...

was quite shocked too la, but he did his country, local music scene and his race proud.

congrats hady!!

Haha I thought so too. People will vote for their own country, and then give the other vote to a "weaker" contestant instead of a more serious "direct competitor". For example, I'm sure fans of the two favourites, Jac and Mike, will not vote for the other. They will cast the other vote for an "underdog". And if everyone from every country is doing this, guess who will end up with the most votes? ;)

This is just a speculative theory anyway. Hady did well, so congrats to him.
Oh come on.. U must vote for 2 ppl.. most singaporeans will vote hardy yes.. other countries too.. that means hardy has fans from other countries or.. he has shown a great and humble performance among the rest.. which people like.. that means most of them vote for their own country and hardy too..

not because hes weak..duh..

Phung Vy is sweet sak...

was shocked tat hady won but its good for him n good for spore.

but i was a little disgusted by the judges point of view on who will emerge as the winners.
very unprofessional and biased
at least some of singapore's local talents are like recognized, but not including those imported sports talents like table tennis players..............

anyway, congrats hady! (even though i never listened to your songs)
i didnt watch but my dad told me the judges didnt like hady , so , i guess he won due to sympathy votes.

Taufik > Hady , any day


Taufik juz rox btr than hady.

I think last yr jon leong shld win

lol blatent old boy support xD(JL from my sch last time when he in secondary sch)
its a strategic move by HYPE la....

taufik already has fan base in the region....

so they push hady for this comp for exposure.... they dun give a shit that he wins or loses...

Somehow, i knew hady would win...

ironically la i thought it was down to phillipines,indon and india(my personal fave)however hady i believe didnt gave a top notch performance he was capable of.he was the dark horse.well in terms of puttin his win down to purely his looks is defnitly not the case coz unlike some alumnus in the idol he ccan actually sing so kudos to that.malaysia wasnt singing la she was pipes though.viet was the chick in the game but sad her voice dodnt match up to the asian contenders.and well ha wad can i say lets junst say this whole idol thingy is like the talent time shows of matter how damn good the performers are.its all a flash in the pan.and ironically its the same ppl that voted for them that eventually forgets about how to sucees la in singapore ha.ppl dont evn support homegrown music now dont blame it on unoriginality of their musci content if chance are not given right guys?

at least some of singapore's local talents are like recognized, but not including those imported sports talents like table tennis players..............

i sooo agree with you lor... hahahaha! up till now... i still dun understand why the hell they have to import all those players from other country...

just imagine if the government decides to have a SUPPORT THE LOCAL MUSIC SCENE campaign... and then u turn up for like one of the gigs and you see that all the performers are ang-mohs or like from other countries... its going to be sooo weird sia...