Singapore White Tiger Attack REAL Video here.

RIP,suicide is never an option and as for me no matter how depressed I am,I will never attempt suicide.Once you die,its gone,your next life(if there is) you may become an ant and had a life span of 30seconds?If not,you die and you don't get reincarnated and thats it,everything is gone.

I think suicide is not an option people take when they are in their right mind.. U gotta be pretty messed up to think it is a way out...

Now, one thing I thought was kinda amusing.. the crowd made the racket, the tiger looked up and was like "why are you disturbing my lunch". he then closed his ears and kept on eating..
they didn't kill the tigers cos they successfully made the tigers withdraw to the den by the time the rifles were drawn. if the tigers where still attacking the man by the time the shooters arrived, they would have been shot.

and the guy didn't fracture his leg lah, his boot was just coming off his leg.

anyway, the tigers don't kill people who are good or bad, sane or insane, singaporean or malaysian... tigers dont choose who they kill. they kill indiscriminately. they kill BECAUSE THEY ARE TIGERS.

actually i was surprised that the tigers were not fiercer. u always see those safari vids where the angmoh man steps out of his jeep to photograph something, and gets AMBUSHED by a hungry lion.
people don't provoke tigers because they want to commit suicide. people provoke tigers because they want pain.
they didn't kill the tigers cos they successfully made the tigers withdraw to the den by the time the rifles were drawn. if the tigers where still attacking the man by the time the shooters arrived, they would have been shot.

and the guy didn't fracture his leg lah, his boot was just coming off his leg.

I kind of disagree bro, heard from some news that he was mauled by the tigers for more than 5 minutes. and from another news that shooters arrived within 5 mins.

IMO they didn't have the authority to shoot the extremely rare animals.
It would have been a very different situation if that cleaner was a PM or something like that.

anyway the leg is a facture. cuz if the boot came off you can see the boot but it's bending at the jeans dude. I experienced such injury on my right forearm. the feeling is NOT nice man :twisted: