I really disagree on what most of you had said.
Why suddenly the big fuss? Just because its news and its on the 1st page of the New Paper? Selling used panties vs selling body. What do you have to say? Just because teen prostitution doesn't always appear on the front page doesn't mean it isn't happening. are all of us that affected by the media and are we that suscpetable to sensationalism my the most sensational english news paper in singapore?
If you guys are so against this and judging from this apparent over-reaction here, what would your reactions be for teenage prostitution here? Would you guys react 10 times worse than this or would you just brush it off as "oh... old news".
Talking about the "clean" image of Singapore is totally rubbish. If selling panties taints our name so badly, then should we even let Geylang remain in our streetdirectories and maps?
More on the issue. This isn't even a chicken and egg problem in economics. Which sounds more correct: when there is demand, people will supply; or when there is supply, people will demand? As the "dominant" gender, its always easy for guys to blame "those stup1d biatches" for providing their services. We don't see it as horny bast4rds fueling the demand for the supply of these services.
If we start looking at things objectively and not subjectively, we'll realise how ridiculous some reactions are in previous threads. It is ok to share your views, but make sure they are your true views and don't make a stand for the sake of making a stand and later ask, "oh ya, why i say that ah?". =)