Singapore Idols mainly for advertising dollars. I doubt you'll get good talent on it because:
1. The talents wil be fairly young ones, 18 to mid-20s. Very inexperienced, raw and naive. The quality I feel will not be there as most of our young talents have very limited exposure to a wide range of songs of different genre. Do they listen to anything outside metal, alternative, Euro-trash, J-pop, K-pop and M-pop? Already with Talentine, where there is a larger pool of talent, the songs are often ballardy in nature. And the band accompaniment and music arrangement is usually disappointing to say the least.
2. There is no booming local music industry here. So it may be a contract with Mediacorp more than anything. At most, the winner may get shipped to overseas (USA) to do a recording and try out the US market.
3. There is no prize money. So the incentive may not be that strong. Of course, if you love it for the limelight, then you can't go wrong. But be prepared to be criticized and embarrassed infront of thousands of viewers. Don't knowwhether our young people are as thick skin as William's.
4. The really good ones don't need SI to be discovered as their demos to record companies would be the best and easiest route. And less of a hassle.