Sinagpore NEWest VOCABulary!

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NKF: (verb) - to cheat, to report lower or higher figures with an intention to cheat, to report false figures. Eg. Ah Beng NKFed his salary to impress that chio bu he was after without realizing that she NKFed her vital statistics by wearing wonder bra.

NKF: (noun) - an organization whose modus operandi are dubious. Eg. Ah Lian left that company because she found that it is an NKF.

TT Durai: (verb) - to secretly take and take money from company, to secretly maximize entitlements or privileges. Eg. Ah Seng regretted not TT Durai'ing as much as possible from his ex-company before he was sacked.

peanut: (noun) - a unit of currency equivalent to S$600,000. Eg. The jackpot for the Toto this Thursday is 2 peanuts (S$1.2m).

NKF stands for Now Kena F$%#ed

Durai stands for Donor U R An Idiot
probably everyone must have been too bored about the NKF saga, jus my 2cents opinion ...

When you are done with canceling your donations to the NKF, please take a look at the KDF. ( Their accounts are fully published in their website. Take note that unlike the NKF, they only have 20 employees. Not 1000. They manage to get only about $4m a year in donations and sponsorships, but yet spends $3.8m on dialysis treatment for patients under their care. Their staff don't get much. The total salaries for all 20 of them, is only $500K, less than TT Durai alone. Please help them. They don't have the resources to organise big lottery games and shows for you. Its charities like these that require our support. Every cent you donate to them will make a big difference.”

I’ve not even heard of KDF before today. This is the first time, I’ve gone through their reports. Immaculate, impressive and brimming with integrity.

KDF shows how lean and effective this kind of operation can be. Inspite of its size and line up of luminaries, NKF is an utter disgrace by comparison. Makes me very angry when I hear about the contributions and the supposed good that NKF has done all these years. For example, Republicans say “WE R IGNORING NKF 40 OR SO YEARS IT HAD CONTRIBUTED.....” I guess that if you live a lie that long, you start to believe that you are really a peanut living in a peanut field.

Don’t stop your contributions. Simply switch them to KDF. Until and unless NKF can demonstrate a comparable performance. No more words and empty promises. Changing your poster boy is not as impressive as if you show some tangible reform. After 40 years don’t you think that its about time that you start working on your deliverables.

Don't just change the cast and run the same old tired show. Change the entire show. Put NKF under KDF and let KDF management run the whole show. They have demonstrated the competence and the prudence to do the job well.

neuro182 said:

This is super REPUTATION THRASHER. To you it may be a joke, but to them, it is an insult. Think before you speak pls.

They tarnished their reputation themselves.
I donate not because not because of NKf, but because I want to help kidney paitients. :roll:
neuro182 said:
This is super REPUTATION THRASHER. To you it may be a joke, but to them, it is an insult. Think before you speak pls.
they cheated us. period. so to many, a joke about them is nothing to the "atrocities" commited...
oki, i am going to lock this thread coz it is not helping the music industry. please email me if you think otherwise.
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