hmm... let's not need to sign another petition to stop forum users from hurling names at each others ok.

i always believe music is to be appreciated. we cannot force people to like music. the person who started the petition might have the good intention to promote awareness of local music. he/she want the majority population to accept local music. but this is a open market. consumers will make their own choice.

i think what we can do now is

1. music maker improve their music (more choices for consumer to pick)
2. auxiliary market to mature (studios, labels, AR ...)
3. promotion/awareness
the reason why lots of local music is not accepted is cos most ppl think their music is gd. I always hear from youngsters esp, "my music is this & this". & when u suggest 2 them nicely 2 make some adjustments, they will give u attitude & say "its my music, like it or leave it". PLS REMEMBER, the music u play is not only 4 your ears only. U r trying 2 reach out 2 the mass. if some1 suggests something, embrace it so u can improve further. if u dont open up, the so called "your music" will 4ever b stagnant & b your music 4ever.
its bad to diss music u don't like although u're more than welcome to do that.
although if ur own favourite band gets diss and u don't care, u shud think of others. others DO care.
lol ... why are there these threads that open just to create controversy and invitation to start flame wars ?
wat i m trying 2 say is not 2 think of "my music is this & tat" all the time. think of the mass & c the big pic. i apologize if i offend any1
gilbert said:
U r trying 2 reach out 2 the mass. if some1 suggests something, embrace it so u can improve further. if u dont open up, the so called "your music" will 4ever b stagnant & b your music 4ever.

well said.......
lol. 1000+ (might as well follow the lingo here!)
good musicians should have good attitude also. makes them easier to work with. i am sure most commercial companies are frightened of bad attitude artistes.
gilbert said:
the reason why lots of local music is not accepted is cos most ppl think their music is gd. I always hear from youngsters esp, "my music is this & this". & when u suggest 2 them nicely 2 make some adjustments, they will give u attitude & say "its my music, like it or leave it". PLS REMEMBER, the music u play is not only 4 your ears only. U r trying 2 reach out 2 the mass. if some1 suggests something, embrace it so u can improve further. if u dont open up, the so called "your music" will 4ever b stagnant & b your music 4ever.

this is the one I 1000+
LOLOLOL! yes yes anthony, this SOFT forum is a start, and i gave 1000+ to good attitudes that musicians should have, not in particular to the petition.

you are a very dedicated gung-ho advocate of causes. :prayer: there should be more of you and james and the rest here, who are die-hards and hard-cores in pushing and bulldozing the music scene, where many times it can be a thankless job. i salute you all again. and yes, i will try to put in my widow's mite if it helps at any point!
mm.... petition for local music.. i think before i really want to sign this kinda things, i would look at myself and ask myself whether do i really make a effort to get the listener the attention and the requirement they needed. we as the local music scene people can't always say that we are lacking of local support, i think supports from the people is for you to win them, not crying at home for more support. i mean just check out how many people are actually doing something good for the scene. no doubt peoples always compare the local stuff from the imported music but that's life. if you're spending $20 for a Music CD, you would want to buy the best that you think. maybe just ask yourself how many local release you have at home before signing the petition. have you yourself supporting the scenes enuff? just check out the local gigs scene sometime, how many bands actually stay throughout the gigs to support other bands? or did you practice enuff for a gigs? right up till now when i go to gigs i still see bands tuning their guitars on stage and expecting the audiences to wait for them..... hello, people come in to see you play lor. .....
ok.... above are my own view on local music scene. i just think that we need to do something first before getting the support. and i really feel that people iike soft, heartrocksingapore and many more is doing something good for the scenes right now. keep up the good works man, who know 10 years down the road our music would be filling up on the local radio cause we're actually better then those imported music already. :) :twisted:
HeartRockSingapore said:
duskalways said:
LOL, are we going to continue this the whole day? and yes i also meant the 1000+ to this post! :wink:

Talks...Forum... Petition.... NOT ENOUGH !!!

ACTION !!! Come out, Do something

wat the hell? anthony is rite...
come out n play ppl....

p.s: anthony,got lobang gig info us ah... i not enuf la tat day :D