"If you are a musician, fan, music lover or supporter to any extent, sign this petition to show your faith in LOCAL MUSIC and what it represents for our country."
No offence but i think this petition should not be started as it's meaningless. And it sound selfish enough.. demanding people to listen to local music. Like what Heartrocksingapore had say, who are you petitioning to and what are you petitioning about? About local musician not able to produce music that goes up to public's standards?
Everyone have their rights to choose what they like and what they don't. Simply you can't just start a petition and demand everyone to like, into and listen local music right?
If our music is really good enough to meet the public's standards.. then people would listen to us. You just can't start something like this and go.. 'hey.. you singaporean? then why are you not listening to singapore music? no? then your not a singaporean!'
It's just like indian people don't like curry.. and they are not indian? Maybe the curry is not delicious enough?
" Sign the competition, and let organizers, associations and committees realize that if they were to invest interest and efforts to flourish the local scene now, the rewards will open up new opportunities for all musicians and music lovers alike.''
The thing is not organisers not giving any chances to our local musicians. But look it in a way, if your good enough.. your music meeting public's standard.. what public wants.. i'm sure you would have much more chance.
The thing is not asking whether other people give you a chance or not.. but are you good enough to create chances for yourself?
I think showing with action would be more useful than this petition. Action like producing music that being able to attract public's attention.
Don't quote me. All only IMHO.
Thank you.
P/S: And this petition thing ah.. people in Singapore thought it worked on the NKF Tulai shit once.. and it gonna happen again.. petitioning about everything.. but the truth is petitions are not really workable in Singapore man.. that's just an exception.
And .|. first to anyone that wanna flame me :lol: