Shredcow's Record 182


New member

I had to do it.

Its the Fuzz Factory in ACTION!!!! With a lot of other stuff. :P

All of the leads were done with the Zvex Fuzz Factory, with the exception of 0:32 - 0:34, which was the Vox wah into Skreddy into Analogue Filter. I'm using it in a VERY safe way for this little ditty. Its interesting how gear inspires.

The backing track was done with the following:
Cleanish tones: Analogue Filter -> Boss CS-3 (Randolfed)* -> Boss CE-2
Distortion tones: Blackstone to CE2, Blackstone, Skreddy, BStone to Skreddy
Irritating wah-ing: Vox wah -> Blackstone -> Analogue Filter

The leads... well... most of them were Fuzz Factory alone, just different settings.

* My CS-3 was on ALL of the time, except for the heavy rhythm at the end.

Have fun!

Note 0:23 - 0:26! I was just tapping the hi E string on the 12th fret, the FF did that modulation thing. Pretty cool huh.
Well. Erm. Actually...

No. I didn't add anything to fatten the tone. Muahahaha..

You can get fat fuzz from the FF, though, on default, I like to leave it at a Velcro Fuzz setting.