Shredcow's Country Wannabe Jam (Blackstone content)


New member
Hey guys,
while doing up the Docu-thread on songwriting, I took some time off to just relax and jam to something weird.


Ah well. Its NOT me, and i don't play country well at all. In anycase, do take a listen and have a giggle or two at the clumsy Shredcow mulling thru a country track.

Oh yeah.. about the Blackstone, its on from when the lead kicks in till... 1:58 where the skreddy kicks in.. the Bstone is on all the way though, i alternate between the orange and red channels, boosting the skreddy. and i mull a little harder.
i find it just sounds rather off... not ur usual stuff, but u're playing style is not suited to country...
unique twist to country though...
wow.. seems like alot of ppl trying to download..
i cant seems 2 access to e file.. not yet..
First part, the rhythm background sounded a bit country like. After the drums fully came in, it sounded more pop. The lead playing is good technically, but doesn't sound country. If you played a bit more bluesy and maybe a bit more finger picking, probably will sound like it. Otherwise, the song sounded more pop. But it is a nice tune nonetheless.
skink83 said:
First part, the rhythm background sounded a bit country like. After the drums fully came in, it sounded more pop. The lead playing is good technically, but doesn't sound country. If you played a bit more bluesy and maybe a bit more finger picking, probably will sound like it. Otherwise, the song sounded more pop. But it is a nice tune nonetheless.

kinda agree.. i dun heard e country feel lehz..quite relax piece of music IMO..close 2 wad joe satriani wld normally do..den last part is erm.. dun reali like e tone.. when it's in single note thing it sounds very thin to me but when its in triad it does sound rich.(i oso dunno y la)
hehe... i can't image me twanging it out! Finger picking, bluesy licks... ugh... can't!

But yeah. Tis all in jest i guess.

For the tone, it sounds "rich in triads" prob because there isn't too much mids to muddy up the notes. I take it that "rich in traids" = clarity/defination. For the single notes, its a give or take, add mids to sound fat and solid, typical good tone, but compromise on clarity/defination when playing triads/doublestops/chords... so i choose the clarity path. :wink:
yeh, i think it's supposed to be country and personally thought it'll be nice to have a nice twang in the playin'....tele? strat? *shrugz*

btw, why can't you imagine yourself doin' it dan?

overall - normal i guess
its not me i guess? I can't imagine myself twanging it out with a strat or tele. Heh.

yeah man! it is very normal stuff. Maybe abnormal for me. Heh. Very simple pentatonics and major scales... kind of... boring... :roll:
checked it out... its very shredcow... and really not country at all ... but interesting to listen to as always.
if you just listen to the track, and not listen out for country tunes, it is actually a pretty groovy track!