
IMO shredding should only be used to spice up your playing..never to be a mainstay of your music. :p its like adding chilli to a dish..if you put too much chilli its just plain hot, spiciness covers and masks all the other flavours of the dish but just a wee bit of chilli helps bring a kick to enhance the taste and excitement of the food. :p
dont talk abt shred or not..
just play tastefully...i mean

less notes sometime means alot..but at times u still need those chops to sent the message or feel across...

btw wats the actual intention of this thread?
penguin said:
dont talk abt shred or not..
just play tastefully...i mean

less notes sometime means alot..but at times u still need those chops to sent the message or feel across...

btw wats the actual intention of this thread?

Well... basically I'm in a band and we're a finalist band for the School of Rock competition but the thing is our music is quite simple in terms of technique and I'm just hopign to learn more techniques and improve my playing. I'm not obsessed with shredding to the extent that I will just play shred but I wanna be able to play fast solos like those in MCR and in cool Jrock songs like Xjapan and all those.

I like all kinds of music and I understand what everyone is talking about when they say shred loses emotion. But the thing is, I just wanna improve my skill so that i'll be ABLE to play fast stuff. Didn't expect everyone to suddenly start debating on how good shred is and all that. I was just hoping for some guidance to me to improve my technique specifically techniques that will help me play fast solos.
Alternate picking, economy picking, string skipping, tapping and sweeping. HEre's some techniques you can start goggle-ing up... there's loads of material online that will help.

And start buying Guitar Techniques mag... :)
i get u Dario ...thats gd..
i personally cant define wat is shred..
its up to u,playing fast or not the emotion and feel is really important..

on another note shredding and wanking is a diff story..
as a guide listen to some neoclassical or other speed/shred guitarist
u will get some ideas ...then seek wat u prefer..

i mean like playing 3note per string, legato or even arps sweeping.
u need to cleverly mix and match..and while ur at it..dun forget ur tone and emotion..

imo when u shred there are lots of emotion..i totally disagree when someone mention that when u shred there is no emotion..

i hope u get the luck
ShredCow said:
Alternate picking, economy picking, string skipping, tapping and sweeping. HEre's some techniques you can start goggle-ing up... there's loads of material online that will help.

And start buying Guitar Techniques mag... :)

hmmmz... thanx. I'll look those up. And could u tell me where I could get that guitar mag ur talking about?
I think what's the most important thing a guitarist must have, is not the ability to play fast or shred, but style. Everyone out there are playing almost the same stuff. All blues-oriented rock solos.

One good example of a stylish guitarist is Sugizo of LUNA SEA. He's style is different. I can't explain it, but listen to it and you'll know.

Shred isn't the most important thing. The most important thing is, when you write a piece of music, your solo must go with the feel of the song and the style of the song. You can't always shred here and there and say you're verys skillful.

Joe Satriani is a very good guitarist. He always plays with groove. No many guitarist does that.

But too much shredding can be boring, just like Yngwie Malmsteem. Althought he has a unique way of shredding, and he knows what he is playing, but it can be boring just hearing him shred repeatedly. He always shred, he can't stop shredding, he must shred. I can say it has become his habit. Just watch the G3 DVD and you'll know what i mean.

Ultimately, shredding comes last. Style and feel is the most important.
hahahaz... u know I really kind of get it. Don't need to explain to me anymore about why shredding isn't the most important thing in the world. The thing is, i WANT to learn HOW to do it, but I dun think that it's the most important. I really get it so can this non-stop debate about shred or not shred please stop.

What I really wanted to know is HOW i should go about practicing IF i want to be able to shred?