Shipping from Europeans websites?


New member
Hey, i know this may not be the appropriate page to post this but its concerns bass so yea.

How do i ship from an European website that does not offer international shipping. Vpost?
Suppose you can use vPost. They have a vPost Europe so that you can buy from European sites that don't ship here. Have you tried emailing to see if the vendor would ship here?
Basically vPost gives you a European shipping address where the vendor can ship to. You item(s) is then forwarded to your Singapore address. Quite straight forward. This is supposing that the vendor accepts a Singapore credit card for payment.

If not, you will have to make use of vPost's concierge service to purchase the item on your behalf. There will be a fee charged for this service.

You can get more info from the vPost website.

I am also in need of an equipment that only european vendors has,..

do update us once you find a way how to ship the items, ya?

thank yousss!
payment will still be a problem lah. i find that it's a bigger pain in the ass where US dealers are concerned. but it seems like more and more stores are accepting paypal as a mode of payment. you could check this out