Hahaha... Guys guys.
I was just pushing buttons man.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the jrock scene. But I admit this shinya fella is good, he can do good chops.
I got quite a handful of fanatical jrock fan friends and they seem to flare up whenever I show indifference to their rantings (they wouldn't stop, it kinds of eats into me if you get what I mean).
I figured there would be a handful of people who have strong sentiments for this scene in this forum too and look!! LOL
Almost half a page dedicated to flaming the flamer.LOL
My pet peeve is that people keep saying he's fast and all, it's just that I've seen better (more like brutally faster but not suitable for the jrock genre in the first place) in the death metal music scene.
I believe a number of posters in page 2 carry the same sentiments, just that they put it in a very subtle way...^^
A better term for shinya would be competent or fantastic (for the visual aspect at least), but like Joey Jordison (now this fella is over rated LOL), not entirely my idea of "fast".
Ha, y'all enjoy your jrock music, I'll stick to my noise (ppl like to refer to death metal as noise, so... *shrugs*).
Use your time to play with your instruments (I presume most of you here are drummers), counter attacking a flamer is seriously not worth the time...
I've been into unofficial game forums and others which are not moderated at all (imagine the flames and counter-flame rates there LOL) and participated in seriously pointless arguments (I'm not saying this one is pointless LOL).
PS: if you're truly supportive, buy the original CDs.^^ some of my friends do the download thing which, in my opinion, doesn't really enforce their support (in financial aspects).
Rock on.