shinya from dir en grey

Ironically, Destructos plays in a Jrock influenced band :roll:

Different strokes, different folks. If you don't like something, there's no need to diss. Just ignore and get on with it. :)
I love drumming more than I hate jrock...
Koyuki is more than willing to give me a chance to play (was out of action since I graduated secondary school 3 years ago), so I was more than willing to run with it. My only condition was that NOBODY makes me dress up like that flaming faggot pictured in the first post. :wink:
So as long as I can play drums again and keep improving... rest assured, I'll be pushing for a heavier sound with our band's music.
But I gotta buck up first.
Sorry to interfere but i am just too big of a jrock fan to not defend Shinya. XD

just wanna post a RECENT picture of him. Diru dropped the colorful gothic look long ago.

wow, jeez, it was just a gimmick. why are people getting pissed all over it?

it's well known for a fact that a lot of japanese bands use visual kei to get a fan base going on before they drop it and concentrate on their music. perfect examples are l'arc en ciel, X Japan, Dir en grey... look at them for the past 3 years or so of their careers, they've never been in visual kei at all.

it's just a GIMMICK. man, you people can't tell that? what the heck?

and about the double bass blasting thing, why do you need to blast when you have a double bass set up? wth? louie bellson has a double bass setup, does he blast? how about carter beauford? dave weckl? billy cobham? should all their respective drum companies stop being endorsed by them as well, just because they are 'wasting their equipment'?

Think before you post, dude.
Hahaha... Guys guys.
I was just pushing buttons man.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the jrock scene. But I admit this shinya fella is good, he can do good chops.
I got quite a handful of fanatical jrock fan friends and they seem to flare up whenever I show indifference to their rantings (they wouldn't stop, it kinds of eats into me if you get what I mean).
I figured there would be a handful of people who have strong sentiments for this scene in this forum too and look!! LOL
Almost half a page dedicated to flaming the flamer.LOL

My pet peeve is that people keep saying he's fast and all, it's just that I've seen better (more like brutally faster but not suitable for the jrock genre in the first place) in the death metal music scene.
I believe a number of posters in page 2 carry the same sentiments, just that they put it in a very subtle way...^^
A better term for shinya would be competent or fantastic (for the visual aspect at least), but like Joey Jordison (now this fella is over rated LOL), not entirely my idea of "fast".

Ha, y'all enjoy your jrock music, I'll stick to my noise (ppl like to refer to death metal as noise, so... *shrugs*).
Use your time to play with your instruments (I presume most of you here are drummers), counter attacking a flamer is seriously not worth the time...
I've been into unofficial game forums and others which are not moderated at all (imagine the flames and counter-flame rates there LOL) and participated in seriously pointless arguments (I'm not saying this one is pointless LOL).

PS: if you're truly supportive, buy the original CDs.^^ some of my friends do the download thing which, in my opinion, doesn't really enforce their support (in financial aspects).

Rock on.
penko said:
Sorry to interfere but i am just too big of a jrock fan to not defend Shinya. XD

just wanna post a RECENT picture of him. Diru dropped the colorful gothic look long ago.
That I truly didn't know... all I've seen (can I say forced fed?? XDDD) are PVs and pics of when they were very visual and seen a cosplayer dress up just like in the Clever Sleazoid (didn't really catch the title, but I believe this is the one) PV.
Gotta say that Saku and Obscure sounded heavy, which I actually like.
seriously ar,

jrock musicians are not the most technically advanced around.

but jrock is cool cos it has the fangirls going, and yet still manages to remain musically credible at the same time.
cold_static544 said:
seriously ar,

jrock musicians are not the most technically advanced around.

but jrock is cool cos it has the fangirls going, and yet still manages to remain musically credible at the same time.
Technicality... it has to be the likes of Liquid Tension Experiment or Necrophagist.

I remember listenning to an unreleased track done by Dir en grey, Shinya did this thing with the toms which sounded pretty tight.

Hmmm... visual kei kinds of reminds me of the long dead days of glam rock. Back then, those groups looked better than their music. The japs seem to have revived (critics say copy) that and put good music along to boot. Thank God spandex isn't back. :wink:
Destructos said:
penko said:
Sorry to interfere but i am just too big of a jrock fan to not defend Shinya. XD

just wanna post a RECENT picture of him. Diru dropped the colorful gothic look long ago.
That I truly didn't know... all I've seen (can I say forced fed?? XDDD) are PVs and pics of when they were very visual and seen a cosplayer dress up just like in the Clever Sleazoid (didn't really catch the title, but I believe this is the one) PV.
Gotta say that Saku and Obscure sounded heavy, which I actually like.
yup. U can see how MAN they are now. The only gothic left of them now is that KYo still loves to plays with blood -.-
Blood is good...LOL
Black metal acts do that on stage... and lots more other stunts...
Like how Emperor burned down a 900yr old church. :evil:

Well, any publicity is good publicity. As long as it sells, I doubt anybody will complain except conservatives and critics (for diru, it's just... .... blood...).
I'm a metalhead but I still don't approve burning down a church.<_<

Heh, did a google image search.
Nobody's ever shown me that.LOL
Trust the frenzied cosplayer fangirls and their penchant for the fancy.XD
i do know that jrock is just super funky? either that or super hard rock but it's really nice hahaha

at least that is what i hear from tokyo jihen...
i'm sorry did you say that u graduated from secondary school 3 yrs ago?

i'm pretty sure you meant primary school.

your typo is forgiven.
hey Destructos!
i got 15 dir en grey cds! from earlier stage like missa n jealous to recent withering to death!

Yup support them by purchasing their hardwork and ignore aimless flaming! that must agree. one man's meat could be another man's poison,or shit some might say :lol:

But hey all jrock fans there,here's my advise.Don't stick to only one kinda music.There are so many other great music so ya.. listen n support all! A kungfu man that only perfect 1 style of martial art will lose to the one that learns many!

ok abv are juz my point of view.. dont bomb me! :lol:
Must j-rock be technically proficient??

I seriously don't get that. The Beatles were great (ok, not all their songs, but still...), but were they EVER technically proficient at any time?

don't get caught up on the technical aspect of music... in the end you just make noise. no emotion, no sincerity. it becomes an avenue to show off.
hellven said:
i'm sorry did you say that u graduated from secondary school 3 yrs ago?

i'm pretty sure you meant primary school.

your typo is forgiven.
I meant secondary school.
Not like it matters anyway.
Anybody young and old can drum or start drumming.