SG's types

if you're alright with copies, Davis currently have this triple humbuckered SG which is a good guitar per se. if you don't have use for that middle unit, then the other 2 will serve you well.

Hey Sub, Edwards are really Sweet copies too, where would you find them in Singapore???

and what do u mean by per se ???
noooo!!i wan france to win!!how would i know?i think the guy acidentally squeezed zidane's breast?i think tts wat i saw from the replay..LOL :lol:
well erm im not rly thinking bout an epi sg... currently i got my mind fixed on the gibson angus young sig sg
nysk said:
well erm im not rly thinking bout an epi sg... currently i got my mind fixed on the gibson angus young sig sg

So it would seem . . . hey man, if u get a sweet Deal, by all means get it... you wont regret getting a gibson anyways... unless its got 12 frets... lol