Setting up an Indie Label...

Im not really intending to enter the market or anything haha.. just selling to a wide circle of frens and through mouth and stuff :).. maybe SOFTIES!! if u all support me i print extra copies sell here lol.. but will be very cheap just to coevr back my losses..
if you just selling small quantity of CD to friends, why not just use CD-R?

If you want some image on CD, but don't like quality of those which print on sticker & then paste on CD surface;
You may try use printable CD. which, the image can be directly printted on the CD surface.
One of the printer which have this function is EPSON R210/R310.
Very nice result....almost similiar to those CD you buy in music store.

For art-work/booklet/cover, you can use normal printer to print. just go find those very good quality paper (but a bit exp...depend on what you expect)....results also as close as what you see in the market.

For Jewel Case, it is easily obtainable as it all sell everywhere.
just go look out for those jewel case which same as what been used in market.
Ok, basically this album is about a story about a boy. And every soundtracks depicts a different scene. So there will be a total of 13 concept arts tied down with 13 parts of the story. So thats about it :)..

If u can offer any help for my packaging or design u can add me to my msn at thx!
teraslasch said:
Anyone here have their own indie label set up for their own bands? Since it's so hard to get a recording contract nowadays, why not DIY? What are your views on this?

btw i have trying for over 5 yrs to get my own label / recording & all i can tell u it is not as easy as what most of u are saying:

1st cost is very high ... i mean not only recording u got 2 think marketing, album, setting up a co. etc... my $$ is so limited i have to save like shit to go recording!! 1 time it can cost over $280 (that is if u can play like pros)

also don;t need to approach labels like warner, sony, bmc, naxos i 've tried save u guys all the trouble: the reply are cloned: if u not super star statuts don;t need to approach them: what suz is the representative in s'pore are not even keen ...

(y local acts will go no where coz there is no homegrown label that are strong willing to sign new acts)

james: i'm going to release my solo guitar album most likely jan 2006 any way to promote it here?? :)
teraslasch said:
Anyone here have their own indie label set up for their own bands? Since it's so hard to get a recording contract nowadays, why not DIY? What are your views on this?

btw i have trying for over 5 yrs to get my own label / recording & all i can tell u it is not as easy as what most of u are saying:

1st cost is very high ... i mean not only recording u got 2 think marketing, album, setting up a co. etc... my $$ is so limited i have to save like shit to go recording!! 1 time it can cost over $280 (that is if u can play like pros)

also don;t need to approach labels like warner, sony, bmc, naxos i 've tried save u guys all the trouble: the reply are cloned: if u not super star statuts don;t need to approach them: what suz is the representative in s'pore are not even keen ...

(y local acts will go no where coz there is no homegrown label that are strong willing to sign new acts)

james: i'm going to release my solo guitar album most likely jan 2006 any way to promote it here?? :)
konsandy, you know i will support anything local... you are doing a guitar solo album? let me sample your stuff ok. if you need help in recording or anything, just let me know.
how do u sample? do i need to sent u a cd of how many songs?

i do need help recording: actually i'm in the process of recording... do u own a studio or something...

i need some professional advice on whether my music / sound i've recorded is up to standard sound quality ok?
