Selling Out.


New member
What the hell do we mean by saying that a band has sold out?
Prominent contenders are Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit etc. Some even say that Metallica has sold out.

So, what do you think defines selling out? And who do you think has sold out?

Is selling out referring to a band moving away from its roots?

Or is just because that a band has gain popularity among the masses outside its intended audience, they are considered selling out?

Or is that they are moving mainstream? Then what about a pop-band becoming metally-inclined? Are they selling out?
okay my definition of selling out: moving away from your roots to appeal to the masses for the big $$ kaching. some may say Metallica sold out after the black album,(the tours,music videos and all that).
Try to make money by exploiting your non-music talents while riding on your musical success.

Umm wait I can't give an example..

Stupid endorsements? PETA advertisements? Overpriced merchandise? :/

[EDIT] Hmm how about Marilyn Manson? I LOVE this man though. :P

Okay I'll try using a counter example. NIN has sold millions of copies worldwide yet no one said they've sold out. Besides risking being punched by muscle man Trent Reznor, I think the real reason is because nothing has really changed about his music and songwriting. And angst. Haha.
Sold out?

I think the term was started by fans of bands before they changed their style.
Notice the big difference in Green Day's music from Dookie to American Idiot.

Making music is fun, but making music requires money too.

Being involved in the music industry in LA, i can totally understand why so many favourite bands of yesteryear are "sold out".

Money is a big issue in the music industry.
When a band writes songs (some dun even write their own compositions), they may love it, and their loyal fans may love it too. BUT they run the risk of only capturing that particular group of loyal fans, and might not capture the audience new to their music.

Here in Hollywood, you can't imagine the amount of scrutinising to select which songs gets into the new album. A lot of the decision process ends up in "but will it be a number 1 hit song?".

I can tell you that your favourite bands of before still retain their awesome roots, but have no choice but to record poppy songs because it'll make more money for them and their labels.
Also, when bands are signed, they are under the contract of the label, so a lot of what goes into an album is a lot of what the audience of today want to hear.

Sad but true.
Money vs music originality.
well if music is their rice and bowl, selling out would be the only option, unless they wouldn't mind cup noodle as their everyday breakfast, lunch, dinner.

then again, me as the listener don't really give a damn. if the music is good, it's good. that's music.
Re: Sold out?

therealslim said:
I think the term was started by fans of bands before they changed their style..

This is the most relevently correct, no punches pulled, well thought of and crafted reply to any post that I have ever seen. The writer certainly knows whats he's talking about. Kudos, Kudos, kudos.... standards of post for all of us to live up to.
Re: Sold out?

therealslim said:
I think the term was started by fans of bands before they changed their style.
Notice the big difference in Green Days music from Dookie to American Idiot.

One thing, bro...when they jumped from Lookout! Records to Reprise Records, they were considered sold out already. The only records that weren't considered sold out yet was 1,039 Slappy and Kerplunk.

Selling out means making money, video and stuff like that. People expect you to make good music but not make any money out of it...for me, that is just ridiculous...I'd rather go mainstream for my entire career...
I've met many bands here in LA, and one thing is for sure, they are all Mega passionate about making music (or else they would do something else right?). These bands are excited about making music, and would dare give up something else just to play music.

The question is, who's gonna pay your rent,gas money, food etc?

Bands can go around from club to club performing, and making chump change, but still wont make as much as if they kept regular jobs.

But they are persistant. Cos they all have hopes that one day, a label would pick them up, and (what everyone thinks) they will be rich.

My friends, a band called "Melee" (Please check them out on internet) from Orange County, are an awesome live band. They are good musicians who write their own music and have awesome musical theory knowledge. They learnt music from ground zero. They were recently picked up by Warner Music and have been doing very well.
Just one of the "dreams come true" to any band.

BUT, how long will they be able to play what they write, the songs they love, the stlye they like?
Once you are signed in a label, you pretty much have a bondage to the label.

For example, Backstreet Boys (I can see u cringe already).
The first couple of albums sold like hotcakes, cos the girls loved them, their songs were played everywhere, they were a hit.
What happened to them now? Old news? Sold out? Boooring songs?

And they are STILL producing albums?
Have you heard of the "Greatest Hits" syndrome?

For example, Backstreet Boys has a contract to produce 4 albums in 2 years.
After the latest album with all new songs, then what?

Christmas with Backstreet Boys?? (Just Sing Christmas songs)
New Year with Backstreet??? (Sing their old songs in a new beat??)
Best of Backstreet Boys???
Best of the Greatest Hits of the Number One Songs of Backstreet Boys??????

Sheesh, but they have no choice.

What i am saying is, don't dish your favourite bands.
They sometimes don't have a choice.

Learning about Music Law and Record Company Operations helped me see the light......

Did you know that at the beginning of the line, the superstar (a band, a good looking Ricky Martin who doesn't necessarily have to sing well),
is the most important thing.
Once signed, and albums are produced, the star is the lowest lifeform.
Think they make a lot of money? HAH.
Why did artistes go bankrupt?
Go read up (if u are interested in music business) what this word re-coup means in the music industry. It scares them.
therealsim...Excellent post agreed with you totally...

bottomline in the music biz is: THE BOTTOM LINE...

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Selling out = a) the 1st print of your album is sold out and the record label has to re-print the album again and b) tickets of the venue your band is playing at are sold out.
tis topic had been goin on like for a long time..theres a thread on bands selling out too back then...and i dun see a end on tis topic...

i guess most of the bands out there start playing music all becos for the love and passion of it...but as time to come...i think more or less they will realise passion and love aint enough...they gotta feed themself and their its all back to the reality of music

also...when a band get signed by a record company..they company might want them to produce songs that are radio these bands lost their freedom in producing their own music...and people start calling them sell out...

well...jus some personal thoughts...
move on, there's nothing new about selling out or keeping it to the core, unless i have just discover about music within the last 3 years!
I guess sometimes the bands are aware of 'selling out', but as said, have no choice but to do so in order to survive.
I guess the biggest disappointment for fans atleast is when the band completely changes musical direction after pioneering/being at the forefront of a subgenre. Depends on when you start listening to the band ofcourse :D

Speaking of which, has anyone bought the new In Flames album? Some reviews say that they have gone back to the good ol' Whoracle/Clayman period.
I feel that in Come Clarity they definitely took a different direction as compared to their previous release.
DarknessFury said:
I think Phil meant bands selling out...not bands getting sold out....

I know what he means. I think this topic is flogged to death and it's resurrected and flogged to death a few times over. The hippies have been talking about it since the 60's. Dun like the new direction? Dun buy the fucken album. Simple.

The artists can always claim that they want to move into a newer direction. Some people call it mellowing down. Some people call it selling out. Who cares? You like the music. You support. If you don't, can always hang out at kopitiam and lim kopi and kaopeh like the uncles about how Metallica ain't used to what it was before.