Schecter omen-6 FR vs rgt42dx


New member
hi. wad do u guys think of these 2 guitars? how do they compare? & on anonther note, would it be advisable to use a licensed FR instead of original FR. does the licensed fr give problems? thanks. :)
in terms of the outline & features similarities, an Ibanez SZ model is a more deserving competitor to the Omen, the RGT is a typical RG, just a neck through...

licensed Floyd-type vibrato bridges vary in performances/ reliability according to brand names. the Ibanez Edge models (including current incarnations) are very reliable. as for others, i can only vouch for GOTOH's.
yup don't get any FR dat says 'licensed' bcos u can't really tell the quality and smoothness of the trem unless u've tried it 4 the umpteenth time and are convinced it really is good.however,Gotohs and Edge trems are a safe bet as they are tried and tested.however,if u really want a good FR,try 2 find an American FR,the original's extremely rare but the few pieces that have been produced are excellent:i've tried 1 and it was really good and smooth.u cld compare the Omen-6 FR with the RGT,bcos both are quite similar,only that 1 is bolt-on and the other is neck-thru
Lemme re-emphasize.

Get a licensed floyd rose at your RISK.

Tried and proven licensed floyd roses include:
Schaller Floyd Rose
Gotoh Floyd Rose
Ibanez Edge, Lo Pro Edge, Edge Pro, Edge Pro II, Edge III

The rest, at your own risk.
i still tink that choosin guitars is all falls under ur own some other factors like budget etc.cos i mean the rgt is like 1k and the schecter is like 499 or 599 cant remember

anyway the schecter is nice too haha lol...jus my opinion
kahuna said:
i still tink that choosin guitars is all falls under ur own some other factors like budget etc.

Definately it will be one's preference, but sometimes, due to one's inexperience, despite repeated warnings against flaws in an instrument, one still goes ahead only to suffer later on.

Ever played a floyd that doesn't stay in tune?
yap changin strings can b a hassle...cos u gotta hold the bridge up to keep it from floatin down...hha...and changin string guage also a hassle

and i tink u dun need a floyd if u dun use the whammy bar to band bac or if u dun use it to do dimebags squels haha...but floydroses r fun haha
Hmmm.... a floyd rose is meant to be an extreme kind of whammy.


It can do EVERYTHING from gentle vibrato or crazy ass divebombs.

Thats the thing... don't focus on it being so extreme and what not, it can also be gentle.

Plus, if you get a good floyd rose, you will have really good tuning stability.
thanks man. what about the FR on the omen-6 FR? it is not schaller nor gotoh isit? so it is just a licensed fr i guess?
Or Ibanez SA260FM. It's a very versatile guitar and it's one of the few Ibanez guitars that has H-S-S config. Read the review by bro subversion in the reviews section. The SAT Pro bridge is neither extreme nor too safe, making it the 'perfect' trem if u use ur trem moderately. It's one of the smoothest trems i've played too, besides the Edge and it stays in tune well too.
ShredCow said:
Lemme re-emphasize.

Get a licensed floyd rose at your RISK.

Tried and proven licensed floyd roses include:
Schaller Floyd Rose
Gotoh Floyd Rose
Ibanez Edge, Lo Pro Edge, Edge Pro, Edge Pro II, Edge III

The rest, at your own risk.

cow.. how about the FRT floyd rose?

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