Yeah man, the strings that came with my Schecter is not good also. Sian.
Anyway, Jeanie Beans, photos photos!!
You're a big fan? LOL. We have obsessive Schecter fans scattered all over this thread.
I prefer Schecters to be underrated, cos I don't like common guitars eg Gibsons and Fenders. I can't stand common things.
Why is changing gauges for FR difficult? Cos have to make parallel the bridge? or some other reason?
Hahaha. I think Synester's guitar is too precious for him to meddle around with. LOL.
THOA: Really ah? LOL. But still, everyone is into Epiphones and all. Let's buy the AXL guitar! Not common also.
You are so right man.When i knock my guitar against the wall or the desk while playing(which is often btw) i'll cry "OUCH!" and then laugh at myself.