*scape presents, Electrico 'Live' at the Youth Park, 9th Aug 2008


New member

Electrico are currently touring venues in and around Singapore with their new album 'We Satellites', and *scape is proud to present this special show for them at the Youth Park.For all you guys who enjoyed WeekendTRIP in July '08, don't forget this one!

If you have not bought tickets to this year's National Day Parade,
Do come down to *scape Youth Park on the 9th of August 2008, National Day and experience the cool and wonderful sounds of Singapore's enigmatic and widely popular Electrico supported by up and coming bands, Allura, The Firefight and Silhouette.

There will be prizes to be given away by Samsung Live Loud up for grabs and the band will be selling their merchandise at the show as well! Soo wei from 987 will be there to host this event as well!

For those of you who will be coming for Listen to the Salad Days: A Confessions Initiative Part 2, do stay back after the last artiste and check this show out!

Presented by: *scape
Venue: *scape Youth Park, Outdoor
Date: Saturday, 9th August 2008, National Day!
Time: 9pm - 12am (Individual artiste set timings will up soon)
Bands: Electrico, The Firefight, Silhouette, Allura
Admission: FREE! FREE! FREE!

For more information, check out

wow this is a must go, im pretty sad i havent caught any shows from the we satellites tour yet
Ye..its going to be a nostalgic outing as Electrico were one of the first few bands that actually played WeekendTRIP.
Electrico... Allura... Fire Fight... Silhouette...:)
Hope i can make it! But i hope town wouldn't be packed to the max cause of the NDP.
i went to one of the shows under the We Satellites tour. 19th July at the Arts House. Supposed to be watching Astreal, Lunarin, Force Vomit and Electrico, but rain did some damage and only managed to watch Lunarin, Force Vomit and Electrico

watching them play that day was sort of an interesting thing for me as i was trying to figure out how they play now, without Daniel. it seems that Desmond plays his bass higher now, lol, i know that is out of the point and that Amanda's keys and syns are of greater distinct now. they seem to be lacking something now, although it has much to do with me liking their 5 piece sound too much.

but it's a rather interesting watch. it's nice to see Electrico progress as a 4 piece instead of finding a replacement and carry on doing stuff in their comfort zone.


although i find it a pity that they can't really play songs from So Much More Inside and Hip City
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I guess artistes do progress on in life ye?

In a way, I guess it seems that the new record really speaks for itself.
I feel that while Electrico may be 1 member short, they are like you said moving out of their comfort zone, trying to explore new boundaries, new limits in their music. And that can only make them a better unit.
The boys (and girl) have expressed their interest to play with Electrico again since their last show together 2 years ago. Well, that was even before they were Allura.

Should be good fun. :)
lol why not? i usually copy and paste info here on my friendster bulletin and facebook events. info here's not copy-righted ;)

oh yeah 4 piece band... actually its still possible to play some of their songs from their earlier albums if david gets some extra pedals and learns to push his hyper threading technology a tad higher! (multi tasking)
Had WOO! Lots of WOO! fun last night WOO! Allura's set WOO! was super awesome WOO! And so WOO! was Fire Fight's WOO! Only caught WOO! Electrico's first WOO! two songs cause WOO! it was late.

Incase you're thinking i'm retarded, i'm not. Just trying to imitate the nutcase/serial killer. Hehehe.
hahah WOO! it was hot. i don't know whether it was a he or a she >< but ahhh i reached in time for electrico's set only. hahaha i missed fire fight and my friend told me TFF were like the best of the night ):

anyhows, i find electrico sound better live than on the we satellites album =D
Heres a true ' love ' story .

I saw this girl , she looks exactly the same. I first met 'her' outside MOS. Whistling and such. Asking me to come over. From the back she looks like a man , from the front lagi like man.

And im so in 'love' with 'her' WOO!

Trademark. Then rick flair took that WOOO for his shows.

OK SHHH! psst, i took some shots of her. HAHAH! and a video too.
I think she stole the show more. LOL!!!

But hey , the bands performed simply WOWs me..... and alot of familiar faces. Like rahimah rahim, who cant walk. She keeps on running.

Soo wei is cool!