Scandinavians best when it comes to metal?


  • Hell yeah!

    Votes: 20 64.5%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • Nah...

    Votes: 4 12.9%

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Yes, I'm back!

As a huge fan of metal from FINLAND (yeah, I'm the the melodic death guy), I try to not be biased when it comes to which part of the world produces the best metal.

Overall, though the main focus in Scandinavia (Denmark, Finland,, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) is mainly Melodic Death and Black metal (Norway mainly), i feel nowhere in this world can compare to how amazing the Scandinavians are...

But for each sub-genre of metal, here's how i feel is best at.

Death (Brutal) - USA
Death (Melodic) - Sweden and Finland shares...
Black - Norway
Thrash - someone needs to pick this... I honestly don't listen to Thrash...
Power - All over the world?
Gothic - Netherlands
Doom - All over the world?
with Yngwie and Europe in '80, Stratovarius in '90 and Nightwish in '00 ruling the world of Power/NeoClassic/Melodic/Speed Metal , yes Scandinavian is Metal territory!

Not to meantioned Children of Bodom, Apocalypta,Hanoi Rock, TNT,Sonata Artica,Dreamtale,Thunderstone .... and many more.

Emperor, Immortal, Mayhem, 1349, Leviathan, Archgoat, Dark Funeral, Opeth, Arch Enemy, In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, Darkthrone, Burzum, Dissection, Kaamos, Kalmah, Norther, COB, Amon Amarth, Wintersun, Ensiferum, Gorgoroth, Insomnium, Limbonic Art, Keep of Kalessin, Windir, Aura Noir, etc,

Thrash - someone needs to pick this... I honestly don't listen to Thrash...

Germany and America, UK imo. Kreator/Sodom/Destruction are the big thrash metal bands froom Deutschland. Metallica, Megadeth are American. Then Iron maiden, motorhead all from UK.
Seriously, where does Ikea come into this thread? ;)

Anirudh, can't call Iron Maiden and Motorhead Thrash! Maiden are new wave of british heavy metal and Motorhead are just Motorhead...people have been trying to classify them for years but I have given up ages ago.

Megadeth and Metallica for sure but don't forget Slayer, Anthrax, Testament, Exodus and many more.
bro rotten prolly a pure metaller at heart and was just trying to go deeper by using ikea as a front, to emphasize best doesnt exist in form of location for metal.

we should be ashamed of ourself when trying to pinhole metal, a purest form of energy and display of hormones, down to location.

Metal upz my karcherng, sodomised me deep deep, for life! Metal!! \m/
In Finland, metal is the mainstream music. Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish said that in Finland, you can't rebel your parents with metal music cos they're listening to the same stuff too, haha..
actually metale doesnt appeal to me. i'm a chigger at heart.

hip hop ya don't stop.

so are black guys the best ppl when it comes to basketball and hip hop?
In Finland, metal is the mainstream music. Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish said that in Finland, you can't rebel your parents with metal music cos they're listening to the same stuff too, haha..

wow im moving there right away.:p
Norway!!!!,Sweden!!!,Finland and Recently France!! They produce tons of excellent Metal Bands be its Black Metal/Death/Thrash This four country to me best of producing excellent Metal band...

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