Say NO to thread spoilers

Sorry,mod punish me if you view this as too sensitive an issue, but personally i feel that something needs to be addressed here.

*edit*[MSN Nickname]Velvet Revolver says:
oh my god youre malay!!!Malay scam people!

This left me speechless. Somewhat.

After PM'ing and msning me regarding his sales (which i clearly showed no interest) he went on to not only lie about his identity to me but even asked me to give him rep (for an identity which he denied earlier). I have managed to dismiss this as pure adolescent thrill-seeking but I cannot just stand by when such a remark is made, as a joke or otherwise. And not when i have my Lit A levels tomorrow (makes me a very grumpy little boy).

Lostgod/Thewho/Nicholas Bang/whoever else, what have you got to say?

Again, i apologise if what i'm doing here is (in)appropriate. Mods pm me if you need this post removed.

With all due respect,
(N)azri. ;)

*The reason why i posted in this thread is because the said person is one who had recently cyber-bullied a fellow member on this site for a so-called "crime" that is similar in nature to this.
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hello guys.
currently ive got some problems with LostGod.
somebody please ,tell more about this guy. i really dont want trouble with anyone. But at offline. ive got some serious problems with him which i want to settle peacefully.Im just seeking your comments. and try to pm or post here if you dare. Im very serious about this.Hmm or best still, his contacts as i want to talk to him directly as he seem to block me at msn.

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yo what happened bro? care to explain? peer mediation between the 2 can always solve things peacefully
aha. i dont wish to settle this online as i dont want to create trouble for others. and mods too. i just love soft!.hmm muhdfarhanfarhanfarhan hotmail!
hmm.? okay. i never had any problem with him. or anyone yet. yet i do flame abit :twisted: T_T sorry. :(
im really frustrated right now.
really. i wanna settle this. just now we were debating lol.
but i wanna talk to him. or best meet him face to face. anybody got his contact?i really think his very strong through the net. and cyber bullying and aha but i don think so in the real world.
woa. seriously la. just let it go. i know its hard but its just best to give in and let him be. if you play with fire, you'll get burnt. unless you're dragonforce :-D through the fire and flames ( which has nothing to do with this at all. lol senselss thinking i know)
LOL.. aha you made my day!.or maybe night!. aha. woot dragonforce. herman ri!.
aha im felling better. but will not forget this.heh