Santana Smooth lead warm tone- What pedal? Big Muff?

He might be using stuff other than a big muff, heres a diagram of his gear published in a magazine around jan/feb 2003. Theres no sightin of big muff. A lot of his tone, cud just be from the amps and pushed harder by the tubescreamer. The dumble head alone can have some heavenly OD tone from it already, i guess....


Anyway, a big muff might get close to the type of sound.

Setting on muff, play around on the sustain and tone knob. Sustain maybe can try around 12 o'clock position or slightly more than that. Tone around 12 o'clock position or lower.

On the amp, lower down the treble, increase the mid and bass to taste

on the guitar, best with humbucker, neck PU. The volume knob on the guitar maybe around 7-9, tone knob around 6-10.

Hope this helps. It might sound good or maybe not even lilke the real one, but for sure, the sound should be quite thick and smooth
He might have used the Big Muff in the 70s. For the "Smooth" tone, its probably into the TS and then the Boogie. I think he uses the Dumble for rhythm.

Any guitar with humbuckers and rosewood fretboard into a TS should do it.
Guitar PLayer January 2003 magazine does a cover on Santana's new rig.

This was the article covering his latest tones on his new album "Shaman", in which he used a Dumble amp through a Brown Soun 4x12 (w/ Tone Tubby 12' speakers) in addition to the Mark 1 1x12 (w/ a 417 Altec speaker).

I'm not sure what combination he plays both in as in his words;

"Like a singer, you want belly tones, chest tones, throat tones, nasal tones and head tones from your guitar. With its 12' Altec, the Boogie is a soprano. It gives me throat, nasal and head tones. But now because I use four 12s with the Dumble head, I get the Pavarotti and Placido Domingo belly tones".

If you listen to the Santana's albums through the years, his tone has changed quite a bit.

However, if you're aiming for his tone in the older records. you can get very close with any Mesa Mark-model amp and a Les Paul/PRS styled guitar.

I used to have a Mesa Mk3 amp and I was surprised to hear how close the tone was to the original records. Spooky.

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