Sansamp GT 2


New member
Hi guys I'm new to this forum. First of all, is Samsamp Gt 2 worth its value? Can anyone tell me whether is there a better pedal than Samsamp Gt 2 in getting a tube sounding? Keep the replies coming thks :D
Worth the value? To me yes, very happy with it. Simple pedal that need not much tweaking to get a good sound(to me that is).

Want to get a tube sounding pedal can be a difficult task. One peson might find it tubey sounding, other might find it too compressed, to thin, too much gain or artificial sounding. Important thing is that the pedal can give you the tone you want in your mind.

Other than the gt-2, if your budget allow, check out the tonebone hot british(with 12ax7). Theres a review by jmguitar in this forum if not wrong. You might want to check that out
the sound that i get can be quite close to the sample. But you will have to take into consideration that those sound sample went thru some EQing, compression and such, before we hear it.

The amp, guitar and the eq setting that you are using might result in getting a tone that sound different from the sample. Imho, the pedal is only part of the tone, the guitar used and amp used will change the tone to a certain extend that might not be exactly like the sample.
i think its well worth it ! havn't tried it myself, but it is pretty darn complicated (circuit wise).

I've seen this going for $150sgd used. Thats a great bargain ! too bad i have no cash to spare. Oh well

Eh.. Guys, what transformer/adapter do you all use. I bought mine for like 1 week plus from Sinamex, they ask me to buy the adapter from Sim Lim. Any voltage or things to look out for. Last thing I want to do is fry it. 8O
Lifehouse said:
Eh.. Guys, what transformer/adapter do you all use. I bought mine for like 1 week plus from Sinamex, they ask me to buy the adapter from Sim Lim. Any voltage or things to look out for. Last thing I want to do is fry it. 8O

The spec stated in the manual of the gt-2 says 9vdc(same as most pedal which uses a 9v battery), 100ma minimum, 2.1mm barrel and negative tip.

For me, i just use a battery or the boss pedal adaptor to power it. So far so good. If you want a proper one, the "one spot" adaptor which carry is a good choice also. Can use it to power other pedals too, with the dc chain
you could use the language tools in google to translate pisotones.
Its a great site! I love how they cut up the (small) mxr sized box so that you don't have to remove the entire backplate to take out the battery.

9vdc 100ma negative tip, i'm sure you can possibly find a wallwart at home that works. Like those used to power cordless phone bases, etc..
they usually have a range of voltages for you to choose from, and for you to choose between negative ground or positive ground.

but normal wallwarts will most probably result in some hum passing into your audio, because the 60hz (from the power supply) is within our audible range.

ahh... my pedals are back...but with paint chips n all..... ohwell. at least i know i needa refine the painting technique...thicker clearcoat or something.

getting busy with school and all too. argh ! and holidays are ending. oh well....

i dropped you a hotmail mail btw.

yeah.. good stuff..
we should have our own local pedals to show for..
i'll call my pitch shifter pedal, "Kiasu Aunties"..
n my wahs will be "What What.. "