Sadowsky strings

i'd like:

1 set of Nickel Blue 4Str
1 set of SS Black 5str

thank you so much sir. ;)

also if possible help me get a can of warwick wax? =D i wonder what other warwick supplies i need.
hey guys, sorry- account got locked for a while because it wouldn't recognise my new email address. will update and get back to you guys asap. payment will be either by bank transfer or paypal, preferably the first.
Ok hi guys -- will need all your email addresses if you haven't given them to me already. If you have, just send it again in case I haven't written them down.

Seeing as to how the US dollar is going back up again I'm going to tentatively peg the rate at 1.5 for the purposes of this order right now -- if the dollar moves again I'll recalculate and let everyone know before I order. Once pre-orders have been closed (which is today/tomorrow, pretty much), I will consolidate everything and do all comms via email. Shipping, NY state taxes etc will be split evenly between everyone, myself included.

Please send your email addresses to sprkcky at -- will do everything from there.
hi guys- some of you haven't given me your emails yet! i need them soon or else i won't be able to contact you from here :)

I haven't gotten any emails from you guys -- I'm leaving it open for another 24 hours before I close up everything and shoot out the emails. Dexian I need your actual email address, not too sure if your MSN is what you use to communicate :)

as always-- sprkcky @ aim . com
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Paiseh paiseh, don't really check the forum much nowadays, thank god I made it here and saw the message just before... sent an email already, thanks jbarks! :)

Suffice to say I need to get a Sadowsky bass (or three - M5-24, J4 and P4) in the future. They are AMAZING to play. Tightest B-string with unbelievable clarity and evenness across the strings. You can push treble and bass on the preamp all the way and still get a good sound. Played everything through an SA-2000 with matching SA410 + SA210 cabs. Lakland has nothing on these guys.

Anyway, without further ado:


See you guys when I get back!
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