Sadowsky Blue Labels VS DR Lo-Riders on a Yamaha PJ


New member
Which of these strings would be a better option? I know tone-wise I can try them for myself, but just would like to ask about their sustainability, their 'zing'-ness and all whether which is more suitable for a PJ bass.

Mine's a Yamaha RBX 170, a lower-end Yamaha.

Thanks in advance! :D
Which of these strings would be a better option? I know tone-wise I can try them for myself, but just would like to ask about their sustainability, their 'zing'-ness and all whether which is more suitable for a PJ bass.

Mine's a Yamaha RBX 170, a lower-end Yamaha.

Thanks in advance! :D

bro...why bother? its a cheap bass BTW...use any brand that you can affford la.

even if you string the bass with sadowsky strings , the bass won't sound like a sadowsky...
currently using DR Black Beauties, i think the string is dead ;(

beside those what else got higher string tension for 1-step down tuning or drop C tuning.

and it must be able to cur "zing-ness"
sadowsky blues come in nickel and stainless steel variants. these will have very different resulting tones.

nickel is mellower/warmer while stainless steel sounds more 'metallic'.

stainless steel will make the bass sound louder because it has a relatively high iron content which makes pickups more responsive (supposedly lah, but i dunno if it makes much of a diff).

stainless steels are rougher on your fingers than nickel. however, from personal experience and most reviews, sadowsky blues are really easy on the fingers for a set of SSs.

i don't have experience with the lo riders but they feature a hex core, which makes the string stiffer/more tension. i think most DRs are nickel, may have to check on that.

the best way is to try. it really sucks to try a new set of strings and find out that they suck. but that's the only way. so as far as possible, if you find a set you like, don't experiment unless you got money to burn
i've tried Rotosounds, D'Addarios, Sadowsky Blues and Elixir...

out of all these, my favourite is D'Addarios and Sadowsky Blues... At first D'Addarios were my favourite... for the sound and the tension... then after i re-string with Sadowsky, I didn't like them at all!! I even thought I should just throw away the sadoyskw blues and re-string with my d'addarios.

But I left the sadowskys in there and after a while, I've grown to like them a lot!! I still hate the lower tension of the strings, but the sound that it produce with the low-mid thump is inherently there.... for the D'Addarios, I need to play around with the EQ to get that low-mid thump, but with the sadoyskys it's arleady there withouth any EQ-ing.
I currently am using a set of Sadowsky blue nickels on my Sadowsky Metro... sounds great..

but i'm looking for a bit more sustain so maybe will try a set of DR-high beams soon.. apparently this is what most of the Sadowsky fanatics on TB recommend..

But the bass currently sounds fantastic now. I prefer the blue nickels to the blue steels.. feel wise i think they feel quite similar but the steels were really bright.. the nickels sound nice and mellow after breaking in but still got the 'twang' when you thump it.. nice..

Never tried the lo-riders so can't comment.. but i think the tension is supposed to be higher?
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why everyone so pro-blues. why nobody use the sadowsky BLACKS

I wanna try one soon.

I think the blues need some time for it to play well and sound excellent.
I felt it was a lil too bright to my taste when i first strung it. but than again, new strings sound bright.
After 1 or 2 days of playing. It sounded perfect and really warm with a good low mid punch(using a p-bass). Really like it now, kinda dead already. But i have DR fat-beams and lo-beams in my cupboard which i have not tried. And i wanna try the blacks as well. So we'll see once i've tried them all.