Rusty strings


New member
Share you ways of removing the rust from strings...i use dunlop ultraglide and kitchen towels and cloth...long process but in the end u save $$$ buying a new set...
can use this thing call "the rock". it cost 50 bucks, bt when u rub it all the rust will come out.
i used it last time when i was working in the shop on the shop guitars.

bt my strings nv rust, haha, cos i use DR colour coated.
I personally don't believe in removing rust cause by then the strings would pretty much sound dead to me. I'd still go for a fresh pack or DRs :D
is the diff between new n rusted strings tt obvious? i dun really think so. guess its onyl when the strings crack den its obvious. anyhow im not rich n cant really afford all de ex strings. i buy individual string replacements n change when one dies out. unless im doing loads of gigging den ill buy whole packs to change. dun like to snap strings while playing. takes all de fun out of it.
Yeap. But i don't change just one. If one snaps, i change all.

Thought it will somehow affect the sound, like some of them sounds more 'alive' or something.

Anyway since we're on strings. Just wanna ask, say a new pack of strings can last you for how long? Maybe everyday spend like 2 3 hours hardcore playing. For you guys? 2 weeks? 3 weeks?

I do know that after replacing new strings you gotta somehow let it settle and get use to the tension or something right? Hmm Sorry newbie to this =]
yea the strings need time to settle...i learnt the hard way...i changed my strings about 20mins before a gig and i died, my guitar was out of tune throughout the whole 30 min set.
penta-tonic said:
is the diff between new n rusted strings tt obvious?

I find it really obvious. The tone change is certainly there. Poof, just disappears.

I used to try keep strings on my guitars for as long as possible before changing, sometimes up to 6 months, but ever since my ears and fingers grew more demanding, i now change monthly.
kantiancosmonaut said:
yea the strings need time to settle...i learnt the hard way...i changed my strings about 20mins before a gig and i died, my guitar was out of tune throughout the whole 30 min set.

You should learn to "Pre-stretch" your strings. A bit painful to do and see too.

Haha....some time I prestretch strings in front of my customers, their eyes goes wider. Like "are you hurting my guitar"......hahaha :lol: :lol:
how do u "pre-stretch" strings? I usually change the strings and leave it overnight, dun play. Then it do not go outta tune that easily.
Simply grip the string lightly and tug lightly upwards and move along. Do the same for every string. Or simply give the whole set a divebomb or two if you have a trem equipped :wink:
mi guitar got no tremolom, so i do it the hard way, tug the strings violently, den hit power chords really hard, and bend the wound strings across the neck, as for the unwound strings, i usually juz individually give em crazy bends in the other direction across the fingerboard, anw i find dat the treble strings settle in faster
Maybe this theory of "prevention is better than cure" can also be used here? If you wipe ur strings after each use, it won't corrode that easily. That's what i do... I only change strings like once every 3 mths...hehe
rust as in? the brown colour kinda rust? Only encounter than while using some of the jamming studio guitars. never happened to my guitar, i change string every 2 months or longer. There is this thing called fast fret, which i used to use it. i think it helps to prolong the strings life.Oh ya, i always put my guitar in my hardcase, i dont know it its helps though
stillwater said:
Maybe this theory of "prevention is better than cure" can also be used here? If you wipe ur strings after each use, it won't corrode that easily. That's what i do... I only change strings like once every 3 mths...hehe

but some people lyk me need to change strings every 3 weeks, because mi fingers sweat and moult lyk nobodys business, and i itink i haf very acidic sweat, coz even after i wipe down mi strings wif fast fret, they still start oxidisin very fast
Maybe we should all try DR coated strings. Heard they are resistant to sweat and all that. Should be good. Anyone with experience please shed some light yea?
you guys r really lucky ave string life is abt 1week++ ..longest 3 weeks...despite using string cleaner after each time i play...i still get brownish stuff on my strings after abt 3 days...btw i experimented with many brands of strings...esp and dr strings seem to be the longest least a week before it dies...