Rudimental Drumming


New member

Any recommendations for drum teachers that teaches drums. I am especially interested in rudiments and those snare drum solos that I found in some books.

: )X
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At the meantime, I'll take this opportunity to bring up something about The Music Lab.

The ensemble/band performance studies is the school's primary focus really. It not only offers individual instrumental instruction but also offers students the option to join the band module where he or she will learn to play with a band. This is one HUGE area not covered by most local schools! After all, are you just gonna play your instrument well on its own? Or would you wanna learn how to play and interact well in a band?

Another thing to note, the school's instructors are all CURRENT industry professionals who are actively performing still. Who else better to learn from than them? Write the e-mail, I believe you won't regret it!
erm rudimental you can go learn yourself.. try the vicfirfth web.. there are quite alot of patterns there with sound clipp and even video clip...
kanzer said:
erm rudimental you can go learn yourself.. try the vicfirfth web.. there are quite alot of patterns there with sound clipp and even video clip...

I always believe that apart from all the materials that are available on the net and the shops, nothing can substitude for a good teacher. That was why I am asking about instructors. For all I know, I might be doing the wrong things ten times over without knowing. But thanks for the tip nonetheless, it's will definitely benefit all of us.
ooops! i didn't see that sorry... you could go for Jimmy Lee from Music Clef, Hensen Beng from Yamaha or Tony Zee at Swee Lee... yup...
DrumDead said:
kanzer said:
erm rudimental you can go learn yourself.. try the vicfirfth web.. there are quite alot of patterns there with sound clipp and even video clip...

I always believe that apart from all the materials that are available on the net and the shops, nothing can substitude for a good teacher. That was why I am asking about instructors. For all I know, I might be doing the wrong things ten times over without knowing. But thanks for the tip nonetheless, it's will definitely benefit all of us.

Glad you understood that! As long as you adapt that attitude, you will go a long way. A HUGE part in drumming (or any instruments) is about creating good habits from the start. The longer you play with improper technique, the longer the bad habits get locked in. Now, just like smoking....once you get hooked up with a bad habit, correcting it will be a darn pain.

All the best!
specifically for technique you could go to Jimmy Lee... he really breaks it down very well for you
Yes Yes, I learn from Jimmy before (that was about 5 years ago) and his technique know-how is superb! A really great teacher! His practise ideas are really gave me a work out that I still use today when I find time to practice.
wow you must be quite a player, drumdead!:D haha.. today i just received news that Tama Goh might actually be teaching too... he plays and thus teaches jazz hahaha... jazz has a lot of rudiments in that so he might teach that too
hi said:
wow you must be quite a player, drumdead!:D haha.. today i just received news that Tama Goh might actually be teaching too... he plays and thus teaches jazz hahaha... jazz has a lot of rudiments in that so he might teach that too

Yeah, I am quite a player when I play alone at home. :lol: Aiyo, pls don't let what I say make u thingk I am quite a player, but I am quite a learner. I ask too much questions and do too little practice. I hardly play due to work these days, so I just wanna find new things to practice and play alone at home. Hopefully one day find a band to play again.
yea i would be interested in any specified jazz lessons, real interested in taking up this genre so keep me posted!
hey guys anyone wanna meet for and do a rudiments workshop, i really need some ideas for my hands cause they really suck balls. i'd be back in s'pore ard late nov
blurred said:
hey guys anyone wanna meet for and do a rudiments workshop, i really need some ideas for my hands cause they really suck balls. i'd be back in s'pore ard late nov

Woah! I like that idea. Who O who would like to do this out of love for the community?
Hi Syed! Yup, long time no see.....yup, I've been really busy...I've been working non-stop!! I've only just declared Sundays OFF!!! cannot tahan leow...

So hows the gig at Timbre? Hope its still cool! Will try to make it down again sometime....

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