Rosli Mansor Rock Instrumental Album in the works!


New member
Hey guys,

Just a heads up for all the musicians here. There'll be an instrumental release by 1 of our local musos, Rosli Mansor. Preview page is at

Perhaps some of you might recognize some faces on the site, here's a short list of who's who and involvement in the album!

Keyjohan Ismail (energy drummer)
Iskandar Ismail (energy bassist)
Bani Rahman (super versatile sessionist)
Mohd Nor (batteries not included - currently in insomnia)
Azman Nirwan (6 in the city - currently in one night stand)

I'll be sure to keep all of you posted when the date is nearing the album release! :twisted:
oooo Rosli.. yea i seen him and heard him play quite a while ago. remarkably good and versatile player.. heard hes making a debut album.. and now the date is finaly out. woohoo. I CANT FREAKING WAIT!!!!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. sorri
Few people can hold their own when it comes to versatile guitar playing, and Rosli is definitely one of them. Not only is he an insane shredder, but he's a master at soulful jazz, crisp accoustic playing and an excellent teacher to top it off. Most guitar teachers i know don't have the patience to break down a lick and explain the basics to a music retard like me, but Rosli does it all masterly. If only local music had more recognition, for with this album, I'm positive he'll win over an audience with his superb playing.
Bump for this thread, and also updated some info on the musicians involved in this album. The band of the mentioned 2 musicians, Energy, is playing at Momo...can check them out.

As for Rosli, the guy at the helm of this upcoming rock instrumental album, some of you may recognize him as the guitar teacher from Plaza Sing's Yamaha. He's currently still teaching there and privately, also involved in studio work. Also, he's taking break from performing in the night scene.

Few more weeks to Sept! :)
I suppose he's the first guitarist to release a rock instrumental album in Singapore? Hmm the more instrumental fans should check it out! I m lucky to hear one of the tracks and i must say i was totally impressed by his sense of rhythm that few soloist possesed...
Stay tuned to this thread, I will post whenever there are updates and info on where/how to get the album. Regarding pre-orders, just leave me a pm I'll see if arrangements can be done
Choice of the artiste involved....basically none of us can answer your question in his capacity.

I suggest you start a new thread to prevent this thread deviating from its intended purpose, a proper discussion on your question will be much better 8)
Sure man bout the instrumental stuff.......some ppl can express through better through their choice of instruments may it be like Kenny G; he is a great sax player....Satch...need i explain futher....Well i have heard a lot of guitar virtuso who can cram hundreds of notes in one lick but can you hear or understand what he is playing or just because he can shred or sweep......he is the can explain oneself in a song.... lets say a sad song with the guitar crying and wailing......and that is an INSTRUMENTAL........

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