RONIN & FRIENDS CONCERT @ Gashaus Fri 7th April (FINAL)


Dunno bout' you guys, but in my opinion the hardest rocking people of the night were Tieren (aka "red shirt dude" :D ) and

fgl said:
... screaming girl in black who was going apeshit as well lolz
The rest of the crowd were strangely sedated.. I duno.. Too many sofas and couches around maybe?

Tieren said:
I love peepshow at first sight and i still love them.
I agree absolutely. I'm also being biased hah!
fictionaire_gse said:
And boy did I feel old. Especially when someone called me "Mr. Saiful" (!!!)

MR SAIFUL! was REALLY damn surprised to see u at the gig! didnt know u were in GSE but did heard that GSE's music was great! yeah! thanks so much for letting ronin to come damai, like a DREAM COME TRUE.......

i suppose the "Ronin+1/5 GSE" will be good enough. at least the damai students will take note that actually there's still musical talents within the teaching staff. hehs.

see ya!
fgl said:
Tieran - at least U got to boogie down with the other screaming girl in black who was going apeshit as well lolz 8)

:lol: Lol im gaining a reputation already..

Lets have a rawk out session when we can all boogie ;)

All the bands were great, hope you guys continue to press on!
oh oic...I ...err... had to leave straight after ronin...sori... maybe next tyme - paiseh :?
Tieren said:
ok gig's over. Personally i thought it was ok.. the crowd was stoned. I was performing and screwed up somewhat.. Was the only dumb fucker there going crazy to ronin.

What u guys think?

8) u really think u r the only one???
Re: hahaha..


SWEET. my boogie was worthwhile. at least got some thumbs up...was thinking maybe if i start the shit ppl will shit like me. butta sadly not shitter joined me. all loved being couch potato. kudos to the sporting red tee hottie ;)
Tieren said:
fgl said:
Tieran - at least U got to boogie down with the other screaming girl in black who was going apeshit as well lolz 8)

:lol: Lol im gaining a reputation already..

Lets have a rawk out session when we can all boogie ;)

All the bands were great, hope you guys continue to press on!

Thanks to me hokay. u dint credit me ...keh.
haha nice one la. my dear friend tieren was and is really nuts over that. he couldn't believe his luck 8)