Roland Micro Cube


New member
Hi guys, my 10w sx amp recently broke down on me and i'm looking to replace it with a roland micro cube. I'm quite lost and undecided over whether i should get 1 from retail, ebay or a second one though... any advice on that?

BTW The ebay ones are going at the rate of ~SGD$280 i think, so i'm basically wondering if i should go for that.
I bought mine for SGD170+ at Swee Lee and second-hand ones cost about $130 I think. That was about 3-4 months ago, so unless times have changed drastically or you have mentioned the wrong model, getting locally should be way cheaper than the $280 through e-bay.
the $280 you speak of is probably the roland micro cube RX. thus you see the difference in prices. anyway, i think you should save the hassle and just get it from swee lee since ultimately, your savings if you were to get it online would not be much (if any).
Ahh thanks for the rep. It'll be awesome if its only 100+ but the retail prices i come across for the cube usually seems to range from 200~300+ sgd leh.. haha did you manage to procure it during the promotion period?

The swee lee online store lists roland cube 15-x guitar amp for the price of S$294.25

Edit: woops another reply. ahh i see, so the typical one will only cost $100+? thats great, thanks again!
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you have to be specific. are you talking about the

1)micro cube
2)mirco cube RX

if its the roland cube you're eyeing at, which one?

all of them have very different prices.

if you're looking for smth about $100+, it's the micro cube. not the rx