Rockstar or Lugwig?

SherT said:
Well, that may be true, but theres a difference between 'opinions' and 'mindless flaming'. You crossed that line 3 posts ago.

p.s. yes it is sickening, if you have a personal vendetta with frummer, take it outside soft. we don't need to see this nonsense goin on in here.

I would be curious by your terms of 'Mindless Flaming' . By specifiying that Cosmetic differences wouldn't determine much on a tone? Or by stating that creativity is about been original and not following blindly to what others are using? If that is regard as mindless, then may I ask, what is an opinion??

In my opinion again, defination of 'Nonsense' is what's been said was proven untrue and 'rootless'. Makes sense to ya???
This kind of allergy, need psychiatrist. The one with the comfy sofa, You lie down and ask, Why are people allergic to me? And the psychiatrist looks at you gently for a moment, then breaks out into hysteric laughter.
Hey sunny, no offence man, but you're too straightforward... thats one thing i respect bout you though... but you should really change your attitude, instead of using harsh, straightforward speeches, why dont you try and convey your message nicely, people will RESPECT you for being straight forward and NICE...
spikes said:
Hey sunny, no offence man, but you're too straightforward... thats one thing i respect bout you though... but you should really change your attitude, instead of using harsh, straightforward speeches, why dont you try and convey your message nicely, people will RESPECT you for being straight forward and NICE...

+1 . Friendly forum, not wack ppl up forum.
spikes said:
Hey sunny, no offence man, but you're too straightforward... thats one thing i respect bout you though... but you should really change your attitude, instead of using harsh, straightforward speeches, why dont you try and convey your message nicely, people will RESPECT you for being straight forward and NICE...

Hahhaha.. well said boy. Hmmm.. i might consider using nice words to put message across. Well, first of all, er hum.. Sometimes I doo wish ppl are allegic to me somehow! hahah.. but shit, that never happens leh. So put a curse on me. :wink:

I'm a straight forward person and i do not bullshit. So likewise when I see ppl bullshit, can't help it. I will voice out. Once a punk, always a punk. Once a beng, always still a beng. Geddit?
hahhahah. I'm sorry that I can't be pretentious like some forumers do. Whether I'm nice or not, well, I guess, maybe not to you guys or Frummer. that's beside the point. What u want in a Forum like Soft? Real informations to help new and upcoming musicians? Real Reviews by musicians? Or just plain fantasies and guesses? If you choose the latter, then I'm sorry, it ain't gonna improve anything.
Also ,Word of advice, sometimes before we conclude who's right or who's wrong, we need to read more, track more.
To be honest, I'm not bothered with how you guys will feel about me. Cos it's after all, just a Forum. Like i mentioned before, I came to share simply because sometimes at home, i'm tired and bored . I don't see a need to pretend someone I am not. And like I said, I'm always a straight up kinda person , even at work, at play, at anywhere you can think of me been in. Been 'Nice' in your terms are just surface lah. What's the point of me been nice and polite to you but bullshit all the way to you? Will you gain anything? Rite? Well, boys.. uncle not that free lar. Geddit? ahhahahaha

Ok.. back to your 'Nice' flaming.. ready?
Get a blog. You can dumb your bs there. Too much bs here. there im straight forward. Like how its 'supposed' to be.
BlackMoo said:
Get a blog. You can dumb your bs there. Too much bs here. there im straight forward. Like how its 'supposed' to be.

Good! That's the attitute! You are learning! ;)
I got blog, but no 'BS'. Still straight forward shits.
When one can't take shit, they call themselves bull. Hor? Korrect?
SUNNY said:
Hahhaha.. well said boy. Hmmm.. i might consider using nice words to put message across. Well, first of all, er hum.. Sometimes I doo wish ppl are allegic to me somehow! hahah.. but shit, that never happens leh. So put a curse on me. :wink:

I'm a straight forward person and i do not bullshit. So likewise when I see ppl bullshit, can't help it. I will voice out. Once a punk, always a punk. Once a beng, always still a beng. Geddit?
hahhahah. I'm sorry that I can't be pretentious like some forumers do. Whether I'm nice or not, well, I guess, maybe not to you guys or Frummer. that's beside the point. What u want in a Forum like Soft? Real informations to help new and upcoming musicians? Real Reviews by musicians? Or just plain fantasies and guesses? If you choose the latter, then I'm sorry, it ain't gonna improve anything.
Also ,Word of advice, sometimes before we conclude who's right or who's wrong, we need to read more, track more.
To be honest, I'm not bothered with how you guys will feel about me. Cos it's after all, just a Forum. Like i mentioned before, I came to share simply because sometimes at home, i'm tired and bored . I don't see a need to pretend someone I am not. And like I said, I'm always a straight up kinda person , even at work, at play, at anywhere you can think of me been in. Been 'Nice' in your terms are just surface lah. What's the point of me been nice and polite to you but bullshit all the way to you? Will you gain anything? Rite? Well, boys.. uncle not that free lar. Geddit? ahhahahaha

Ok.. back to your 'Nice' flaming.. ready?

hey wisecrack, people are allergic to ya already, and people here mention all the pros and cons of a certain equipment.And i'm sure mr soft wouldn't like to see any bengs around here? either that or you're just acting beng... cause you can't be a real one... people like you are a lower breed of society, amazed that you still know howta use a computer...
just a piece of my mind.

Once a punk, always a punk. Once a beng, always still a beng.

i'm sorry. Last time i checked, punk = beng? NO. come on. don't degrade punk. And please, yes, you're entitled to your opinion, but there's such a thing called manners, and if you're being rude to people you don't even know, i don't know what other thing to say.

Cos it's after all, just a Forum. Like i mentioned before, I came to share simply because sometimes at home, i'm tired and bored

dude, just to tell you, even though this is a free forum, please do keep in mind that some of us here appreciate being able to socialize in a civilized manner, and that not all of us are 'just bored' when they come to this forum.

Well, boys.. uncle not that free lar. Geddit? ahhahahaha

that doesn't seem quite right? right? ironically...not that free hor...

anyway..if i've offended you, i din mean to, just wanted to put things from another perspective to the one you offered. No hard feelings meant. =)
wow. soft attracts some pretttyy "opinionated" people eh. haha. rockstars have been replaced by superstars. lol and i guess they knocked the price up a few notches. haha what to do. superstar. haha. but yeah superstars are not bad. sonically and visually. birch w/ basswood shells. EQd sound and a consistent, smooth, wood grain. annd the finishes are pretty good looking too. and tama hardware. yep. but ex la. imo, id rather get a Pearl EX. or cough a up a lil bit more for Pearl Sessions. yep.
friendly forum, if this kind of arguments continue, this forum will be 'dead' soon lossing its popularity.....
just my 2 cents worth

i like the 'superstar', if i have a bigger space,it will definitely replace my 'stagestar'
Cheers and peace
I think Simon Phillips and John Blackwell were using Superstars when they were here in Singapore, but their snares were not. I think Simon was using his signature snares while Blackwell used a Starclassic maple snare. If that's true then the Superstars have quite a solid sound, and is then definitely a worthy buy.

But then again, the drums were miked and probably EQed, so... :?