Rockstar or Lugwig?


New member
ello~~ i plan 2 get the Tama Rockstar coz I know it is a good kit...however I saw Swee Lee have tis Ludwig LC105..which seems ok 2 mi, but it is abt 400 bucks cheaper. Anyone knows how the Lugwig feel? Is the sound veri far off?

For Yamaha, other than the Forum model, there is also this YD series which I saw at 1 of the shop. Any1 knows abt this YD series?

Regarding Cymbals...any1 using the Sabian Pro Performance? How it is like?

Sorrie 4 so many questions. Mi not realli familiar wif gears, any help is appreciated. thanx!

Tama = Good Hardware , Good Name
Ludiwg = Old good name ( their prices hav gone down a lot coz of their small industry now...dont see much ludwig drummers anymore .. "

Yamaha= Overall above average everything...YD series is discontinued....u cud try asking them for a discount. idea...if you're new...i heard its better not to get Zildjian ZBTS,ZXTs ( titanium versions too )...but thats wad i heard...u hav to try it urself for ur own liking. Try Sabian XS20...

PS: I'd reccommend u a pearl export anytym anyday over rockstars...haha.with ard 1500 u cud get a pearl ELX ( great high gloss finish... ) ... ard 1000....pearl EX is good too ( its a wrap...not as beautiful as ELXs but they hav the same hardware... )

If u really wanna try ludwigs...try Ludwig CS Custom...its BIRCH! birch is wad most drummers use for recording...this wood has an EQ'd costs 1k at swee lee...not sure wad grade of birch though.... :lol:
Yamaha Manu Kache Hip Gig is a small kit with a big sound, esp the kick.

Ok, I didn't really like the sound of the mounted tom and the snare, but the floor and the kick really packs a punch. Moreover it also help to save a lot of space.
I got the LC 105. I say with some muffling to take out the overtones, the toms and snare are pretty good. The bass is ok. The pedals are decent but not as responsive as better ones.

But then since the toms are smaller, they produce higher tones, esp. the floor tom (still trying to find a way to lower the tone).

The LC105 is a good kit for me as it is cheaper than other brands and is decent (no special stuff, quite ordinary).

I think you should try both kits. If the tama sounds much better and you don't mind spending the extra for better sounds then go for it. If you need a practice kit then get ludwig. Make sure you also get good cymbals though, IMO the zildjian ZBTs are pretty good. The swee lee guy offered me some no-frill cymbals and they don't sound right (just like bashing pots and pans).

HOLY @*#)(@&#..

u sure u're comfortable with that setup?i mean the toms 8O i tink it would be easier for tom fills if u lowered ur 2nd that the rims of the first n second tom is linear...

nice kit...weird setup...weird setup...nice kit :lol:
I tilted it more coz they were at different angles. Instead of lowering the 2nd tom. I also got the small tom slightly higher. I like it a bit high probably because I'm quite tall.

Hey btw, is there a way to adjust the pedal (reduce the tension, etc)?
Frummer said:
Ludiwg = Old good name ( their prices hav gone down a lot coz of their small industry now...dont see much ludwig drummers anymore .. "

Hahhahaha.. cos u only stay in Singapore mah.. obviously you don't see much lah.

Frummer said:
PS: I'd reccommend u a pearl export anytym anyday over rockstars...haha.with ard 1500 u cud get a pearl ELX ( great high gloss finish... ) ... ard 1000....pearl EX is good too ( its a wrap...not as beautiful as ELXs but they hav the same hardware...

You reccomend? You played on one before? How to reccomend stuff when one doesn't even actually played on them before? I may be wrong.. if u had 'LITERALLY' tried on either one, where did u do it? Share leh? What is GOOD and what is NO GOOD? what u mentioned above are only Cosmetic finishes.. that determined a Drumset quality meh? hahhahah..

Frummer said:
If u really wanna try ludwigs...try Ludwig CS Custom...its BIRCH! birch is wad most drummers use for recording...this wood has an EQ'd costs 1k at swee lee...not sure wad grade of birch though....

Birch is wad most drummers uses for recording.. If creating music is like you like that, 'do what other do' , 'it's good cos so n so say so'... die lor.. how to be creative? Like I mentioned, Wanna know about drum sound, go play some, don come here gossip like the market ladiess... 'oh , u know hor.. so and so say somethign about that fish hor come from batam one leh.. bla bla bla...'

Haiz... Korrect, Faidi???? huh???
SUNNY said:
Frummer said:
Ludiwg = Old good name ( their prices hav gone down a lot coz of their small industry now...dont see much ludwig drummers anymore .. "

Hahhahaha.. cos u only stay in Singapore mah.. obviously you don't see much lah.

Frummer said:
PS: I'd reccommend u a pearl export anytym anyday over rockstars...haha.with ard 1500 u cud get a pearl ELX ( great high gloss finish... ) ... ard 1000....pearl EX is good too ( its a wrap...not as beautiful as ELXs but they hav the same hardware...

You reccomend? You played on one before? How to reccomend stuff when one doesn't even actually played on them before? I may be wrong.. if u had 'LITERALLY' tried on either one, where did u do it? Share leh? What is GOOD and what is NO GOOD? what u mentioned above are only Cosmetic finishes.. that determined a Drumset quality meh? hahhahah..

Frummer said:
If u really wanna try ludwigs...try Ludwig CS Custom...its BIRCH! birch is wad most drummers use for recording...this wood has an EQ'd costs 1k at swee lee...not sure wad grade of birch though....

Birch is wad most drummers uses for recording.. If creating music is like you like that, 'do what other do' , 'it's good cos so n so say so'... die lor.. how to be creative? Like I mentioned, Wanna know about drum sound, go play some, don come here gossip like the market ladiess... 'oh , u know hor.. so and so say somethign about that fish hor come from batam one leh.. bla bla bla...'

Haiz... Korrect, Faidi???? huh???

SUNNY, stop slamming people's opinion. You are entitled to your own opinion and he is entitled to his. Enough with the quoting and argueing already. Its sickening.
BlackMoo said:
[SUNNY, stop slamming people's opinion. You are entitled to your own opinion and he is entitled to his. Enough with the quoting and argueing already. Its sickening.

I'm entitled to my opinion and I'm carrying it out (with or without quote. sickening or not). it's still my opinion. And my opinion is that if you wanna voice something, make it concrete. That's my opinion. Do you get it? Don't contradict yourself by asking my to stop quoting and 'debating' at the same time telling me i'm entitled to my opinion. Korrect? Korrect?

You are free to debate on what I say. I'm open and graceful about it. This is a Forum. A place of Free Speech and Free Opposition. Frummer is free to speak, and I'm free to oppose. Dont get me wrong, you are free to oppose too. Geddit? 8)
SUNNY said:
BlackMoo said:
[SUNNY, stop slamming people's opinion. You are entitled to your own opinion and he is entitled to his. Enough with the quoting and argueing already. Its sickening.

I'm entitled to my opinion and I'm carrying it out (with or without quote. sickening or not). it's still my opinion. And my opinion is that if you wanna voice something, make it concrete. That's my opinion. Do you get it? Don't contradict yourself by asking my to stop quoting and 'debating' at the same time telling me i'm entitled to my opinion. Korrect? Korrect?

You are free to debate on what I say. I'm open and graceful about it. This is a Forum. A place of Free Speech and Free Opposition. Frummer is free to speak, and I'm free to oppose. Dont get me wrong, you are free to oppose too. Geddit? 8)

Well, that may be true, but theres a difference between 'opinions' and 'mindless flaming'. You crossed that line 3 posts ago.

p.s. yes it is sickening, if you have a personal vendetta with frummer, take it outside soft. we don't need to see this nonsense goin on in here.
So wat if u wants to use which/what drums??

Its his/her preference mah..

No need to flame or criticise someone bcos he/she is using something dat u don't like.. Just keep it to urself. :)